
Internship Contacts by Department and School

Contacting a Faculty Member

Your first step in pursuing an academic internship is contacting the internships coordinator in your major. They will be able to tell you if your department offers academic credit for internships, and what specific classes you can take to get this credit. 

If your major is listed below, please contact the faculty member directly to begin your academic internship journey. However, if your major is not listed below, contact us at the Center for Engaged Learning, Teaching, & Scholarship.

African Studies & The African Diaspora

African Studies & the African Diaspora offers an academic internship course AFR397 Capstone/Internship in African Studies and the African Diaspora. 

For more information about this internship course, please contact Brian Endless at bendles@luc.edu


Anthropology offers an academic internship ANTH396 through the senior capstone experience. For more information, visit the Capstone Experience page. 

For further information on academic internships in Anthropology contact Ben Penglase at bepengla@luc.edu for general inquiries, Anne Grauer at agrauer@luc.edu for biological anthropology, or Catherine Nichols at cnichols@luc.edu for museum studies.


Biology offers an academic internship experience through the class BIOL 398. To register for this class, students must fill out this 398 Form

If you are interning with the Hospitalist Program at the University of Chicago, please contact Dr. Bryan Pickett at fpicket@luc.edu.

For general inquiries about academic internships in Biology, please contact Dr. Jim Cheverud at jcheverud@luc.edu


Bioinformatics offers an internship experience through the class BIOI 398. Students must complete 3 credit hours to receive Engaged Learning credit.

For more information, visit the Bioinformatics Careers and Internship page: https://www.luc.edu/bioinformatics/internshipopportunities/ .


For further information on academic internships in Bioinformatics, contact Dr. Stefan Kanzok at skanzok@luc.edu.

Quinlan School of Business

Please contact Career Services Director of Career Communities, Taylor Kinn, via tkinn@luc.edu. Or, visit the internships site to get more insight on the Quinlan School of Business academic internship courses and prerequisites. 

School of Communication

The School of Communication offers various academic internship opportunities. To learn more, visit the School of Communications internships resource page. 

Computer Science

Computer Science offers an academic internship course, COMP 391.

For further information on academic internships in Computer Science, contact Robert Yacobellis at ryacobellis@luc.edu.

Criminal Justice

Criminal Justice offers academic internship experiences within areas of corrections, courts, investigations, law enforcement, public defender, research and even victim witness advocacy. All of these internships fall under the course CRMJ 390 which is the Criminal Justice Field Practicum. For more information on eligibility, procedures and responsibilities of this course, visit the Department of Criminal Justice internship program site

For further information on academic internships in Criminal Justice and Criminology, contact Felicia Williams at fwilliams3@luc.edu.


The School of Education offers ELPS 265 as an academic internship course. Students focus on Cultural and Educational Policy Studies.


English offers two academic internship experiences in English through ENGL 394 and an Internship in Adult Literacy through ENGL 393 based within the Literacy Center at Loyola University Chicago. More information on the Literacy Center can be found here:  http://www.luc.edu/literacy/. For more information on these two courses, visit the Department of English internships site.

For further information on ENGL 393, contact Jacqueline Heckman at 773.508.2330 or jheckma@luc.edu. For ENGL 394, contact Jasper Cragwall at jcragwall@luc.edu.

Environmental Science

For information on academic internships in Environmental Studies through ENVS 395, contact Christopher Peterson at cpeters@luc.edu

Fine and Performing Arts

Information on academic internships in Dance can be found on the DANC 394 website here

Information on Fine Arts Academic Internships, FNAR 368: Gallery Internships or FNAR 380/FNAR 381 Visual Communication can be found here.

Information on academic internships in Theater, THTR 494 can be found here.

Forensic Science Program

For information on academic internships in Forensics, contact Wendy Gruhl at wgruhl@luc.edu.


French offers FREN 395 as an academic internship course.

For further information on French academic internships, contact Dr. Eliana Vagalau at evagalau@luc.edu.

Global & International Studies

Global & International Studies offers an academic internships course, GIST 370, Internship in International Studies. For more information, click here.

For further information on academic internships in International Studies, contact Chris Hasselmann at chasselmann@luc.edu.


History offers academic internship experiences through the course HIST 398, the History Undergraduate Internship Program. For step-by-step information on applying, and specific internships offered through this program, visit the Department of History's internship program site

For further information on academic internships in history, contact Dr. Brad Hunt at dhunt1@luc.edu

Honors Program

For information about academic internships in the Honors Program, contact Claudio Katz at ckatz@luc.edu

For information about academic internships in Quinlan Business Honors, contact Carolyn Kmet at ckmet@luc.edu

Human Services

For information on academic internships in Human Services, contact Layla Suleiman Gonzalez at lsuleiman@luc.edu


Italian offers an academic internship course, ITAL 395 both in Chicago and on the Rome Campus. Students work 4-8 hours per week.

Parkinson School of Health Sciences and Public Health

Exercise Science offers EXCM 395 as the required academic internship course.  For more information about the course contact Cynthia P. Stewart, Director of Experiential Learning, cstewart8@luc.edu or ParkinsonEXPL@luc.edu  


Healthcare Administration offers HSM 360 as the required academic internship course. For more information about the course contact Cynthia P. Stewart, Director of Experiential Learning, cstewart8@luc.edu or ParkinsonEXPL@luc.edu  


Music offers MUSC 394 as an academic internship course. Students complete a minimum of 50 hours of internship experience.

Polish Studies

For information on academic internships in Polish Studies, contact Bozena McLees at bmclees@luc.edu.

Political Science

Political Science offers an academic internship experiences through the course PLSC 370. Permission is need to register. For more information visit the Department of Political Science's course site

For further information regarding academic internships in Political Science, contact Alex Grigorescu at agrigorescu@luc.edu


Psychology offers PSYC 390 as an academic internship course. To register for this course, students must apply for PSYC 390 the semester before they plan to take it. To learn more about the course and requirements, please visit the Department of Psychology's internship site.

For further information on academic internships in Psychology, contact Colleen Conley at cconley@luc.edu or Becky Silton at rsilton@luc.edu

School of Social Work

For more information about first level internships in Social Work, visit their page, or contact Rachael Persin at rpersin@luc.edu


Sociology offers an academic internship experience through SOCI 380. For more information on this course, visit the internships page on the Department of Sociology website. 

For further information regarding academic internships in Sociology, contact Elfriede Wedam at ewedam@luc.edu


Spanish offers SPAN395 as an academic internship course. Students gain practical experience in reading and writing Spanish.

For more information, contact Alrick Knight at aknigh4@luc.edu.


For information on academic internships in Theatre, visit their page or contact Mark Lococo at mlococo@luc.edu


For information on academic internships in Theology, visit their page or contact Dr. Teresa Calpino at tcalpin@luc.edu

Women's Studies and Gender Studies

Women's Studies and Gender Studies offer academic internships through different programs available in the area. For more information, feel free to visit their internships page

For further information regarding academic internships in Women's Studies and Gender Studies, contact Dr. Betsy Hemenway at ehemenway@luc.edu

Contacting a Faculty Member

Your first step in pursuing an academic internship is contacting the internships coordinator in your major. They will be able to tell you if your department offers academic credit for internships, and what specific classes you can take to get this credit. 

If your major is listed below, please contact the faculty member directly to begin your academic internship journey. However, if your major is not listed below, contact us at the Center for Engaged Learning, Teaching, & Scholarship.