
Request a Project

Maintenance Project

The normal maintenance work of the division involves maintaining existing University assets.  A maintenance project involves making an improvement within an existing space; examples include painting, or adding/moving electrical circuits or outlets.  These requests may be done internally by the Maintenance Department, or may need to be contracted out.  In both cases, the cost of the improvement is charged back to the requesting department.  Maintenance projects will be scheduled and completed based upon the resources available to complete the work, and prioritized with the existing workload of the department.

To submit a Maintenance Project Request, please follow these steps:

  1. Submit your request via email to your department's director/chair for approval
  2. Upon receipt of the department director/chair's approval, please forward the request, including the project requirements, the maximum budget allowance, and the account unit to be charged, to the Director of Facilities for your respective campus
  3. The Director of Facilities or a designee will schedule a meeting with the requestor to review the project requirements
  4. Maintenance will assemble a complete project budget and submit it to the requestor for approval
  5. Maintenance will then schedule your project and communicate to you the expected project completion date

Capital Project

The University's capital budget is established on a rolling 5-year basis.  The capital budget must fund the ongoing obligations of maintaining aging assets, often referred to as deferred maintenance, while at the same time funding planned construction as well as requests from senior leadership that support the programmatic needs of their respective divisions.  The first two categories - deferred maintenance and planned construction - are identified and prioritized through facility condition assessments and capital planning efforts of the Facilities Management Division.  The latter category - departmental requests - must follow the appropriate process for review, approval, prioritization and allocation of resources.

A capital project is one which changes the boundaries of a space, changes the program use of a space, or will exceed $25,000.  Examples include demolishing or adding a demising wall, or adding/changing any mechanical equipment within a space.  Capital projects will always be contracted out to a general contractor or direct trade.  All capital projects require a source of funds to be identified, including departmental funds, gift funds, or a request to use University capital funds.  Regardless of funding source, all projects must follow the same process of request, approval, prioritization, and scheduling according to available human and financial resources.

Please note that projects which impact campus operations will be scheduled to occur over the summer.  In order to properly allocate resources and determine workload capacity, all summer projects must be requested by September of the previous calendar year.

The following criteria is used to evaluate and prioritize projects:

  • Available funding
  • Available project management resources and capacity
  • Alternative solutions to meet the programmatic needs that require less/no capital funding
  • Other University capital plans that may compliment or conflict with the request

To submit a Capital Project Request for consideration, please follow these steps:

Step 1 Submit an Initial Project Request Form to your Senior VP or Provost  September 1 
Step 2 Sr. VP/Provost will meet with Campus Planning to review, preliminarily approve, and prioritize the requests received.  Preliminary, rough order of magnitude budget ranges will be applied to the projects at this time.  All projects are subject to SFPT and BOT approval.  September 1 - November 15 
Step 3 SFPT meeting to review and discuss endorsed projects  November 15 
Step 4 Board of Trustee meeting to approve the capital plan.  Approved projects will be communicated to requestors.  December 15 

Move Project

Departments are free to move faculty or staff within their allocated space.  However, if a move will set off a chain reaction of other moves, or if a department is requesting to expand outside of its allocated space, this constitutes a move project and must be requested, reviewed, approved, funded by the requesting department, and scheduled through Campus Planning, along with our partners in the ITS Department.

If the full scope of the move is outside of our department’s manpower capabilities, or requires the relocation of specialized or heavy equipment, then the cost of a professional moving company will be charged back to the requesting department.

To submit a Move Project Request, please follow these steps:

  1. If your move will take place within your existing space allocation but will result in a chain reaction of moves, please submit the full scope of the move via a Work Order.
  2. If you are requesting to move beyond your current space allocation, please first submit your request to your Senior VP/Provost for approval.
  3. Upon receipt of the Senior VP/Provost approval, please forward the request, including the project requirements, the maximum budget allowance, and the account unit to be charged, to the University Architect and Assistant VP for Campus Planning
  4. The University Architect and Assistant VP for Campus Planning or a Project Manager will schedule a meeting with the requestor to review the project requirements
  5. Campus Planning will assemble a complete project budget and submit it to the requestor for approval
  6. Campus Planning will then schedule your project and communicate to you the expected project completion date

Furniture Requests

Please visit our Request a Work Order page to submit a request for furniture.  Upon receipt of your work ticket, you will be contacted to complete the details of your order.  Requests for furniture must be funded by the requesting department, so funds must be authorized prior to any order being placed. 

Signage Requests

Loyola University Chicago’s Master Wayfinding & Signage Manual has been developed to create uniform design and installation standards for signage across all buildings and campuses, and to establish consistent identification across the University.  The Facilities Management Division is responsible for maintaining the signage standards established in the Manual.

Please view the Signage Manual for options that are available to you.

Facilities Management is responsible for all regulatory signage, and replacing missing or broken identification signage.  Departments who are requesting signage changes within their department are responsible for funding their request.

To submit a Signage Request, please follow these steps:

  1. Please submit a Work Order, including location of the request and the sign type that is needed (please refer to the Manual for sign types), and the accounting unit to be charged
  2. A Lead Mechanic will meet with you for a field survey of your space
  3. The Lead Mechanic will place the signage order, and schedule the removal of old signage, patching, painting, and installation of new signage