
Lee Hubbell

Director of LU Choice and JVC Magis


Lee serves as the Director of JVC (Jesuit Volunteer Corp) Magis, LU CHOICE (Loyola University Chicago Opportunities in Catholic Education) and the Director of Ministry for the First studies program at Loyola University Chicago. Lee is also a spiritual director, trained in the Ignatian tradition of spiritual direction.

Lee has worked in the field of education in a variety of settings and roles. Lee taught fourth and fifth grade at Little Flower School in San Antonio, TX as a Jesuit Volunteer Corp Member. In addition to teaching fourth grade he also served as the Director of Religious Education at Our Lady of Fatima School in Lafayette, LA. As the Director of Acadiana C.A.R.E.S, (Concern for AIDS Relief, Education & Support), Lee developed HIV/AIDS educational training programs. While working with the Target Group in Chicago, he developed career training programs for high school students. At DePaul University, Lee mentored and assisted in the development of first year teachers.

Lee Hubbell holds a B.A. in Elementary/Special Education and a M.Ed. from the University of Louisiana – Lafayette. In addition he holds a Master’s degree in Divinity and a Master of Arts in Pastoral Counseling from Loyola University Chicago.