
Certificate in Leading Inclusive Catholic Schools

Certificate in Leading Inclusive Schools

Catholic school principals tend to be the main decision maker in admission decisions and, many times, these principals have limited experience with students with disabilities.  In order to effectively build more inclusive environments, this program does the following:

  • Builds both the knowledge and experiential base of Catholic school principals in the area of special education/inclusion. 
  • Provides professional preparation in the areas of exceptionality, special education law and procedure, and interventions/accommodations. 

Program Outcomes

As a result of this program, candidates will do the following:

  • Increase ability to build more inclusive approaches in Cathoic schools
  • Enhance change management strategies required to develop programs to serve students with disabiltes in Catholic schools
  • Develop the dispositions to create environments that where students of all abilities belong 

Scholarship Opportunities

Members of a Catholic educator cohort are eligible to apply for a tuition scholarship. To apply for a scholarship, you must have completed and submitted your application for admissions.  Once that is complete, please submit a letter of application addressing the following points: 

1) Identify any financial hardships that impact your ability to attend the program to which you have applied.

2) Describe the other sources of financial support (use of title funds, support from foundations, school professional development funds, etc.) that you have sought to address the financial need.

To apply for additional scholarship support, please submit a letter addressing the two points indicated above to:

Debbie Sullivan, Ed.D.
Co-Director, Andrew M. Greeley Center for Catholic Education


Requests for financial support are reviewed by the Greeley Scholarship Review team.  Letters of application will be reviewed on a rolling basis until all available funding is allocated.  Candidates are encouraged to apply early in order maximize the opportunity to receive funding.  

This scholarship is renewable for the duration of the program to which you have applied, dependent on continued availability of funds.  To be eligible for renewal of the scholarship, you must meet the following criteria: 

  1. Maintain status as a student in good standing with Loyola University Chicago.
  2. Continue to make progress towards completion of the program to which you applied.
  3. Continue to work at a Catholic school.

As a condition of acceptance of the scholarship, you agree to maintain employment in a Catholic school over the next five years.

Catholic school principals tend to be the main decision maker in admission decisions and, many times, these principals have limited experience with students with disabilities.  In order to effectively build more inclusive environments, this program does the following:

  • Builds both the knowledge and experiential base of Catholic school principals in the area of special education/inclusion. 
  • Provides professional preparation in the areas of exceptionality, special education law and procedure, and interventions/accommodations. 

Program Outcomes

As a result of this program, candidates will do the following:

  • Increase ability to build more inclusive approaches in Cathoic schools
  • Enhance change management strategies required to develop programs to serve students with disabiltes in Catholic schools
  • Develop the dispositions to create environments that where students of all abilities belong 

Scholarship Opportunities

Members of a Catholic educator cohort are eligible to apply for a tuition scholarship. To apply for a scholarship, you must have completed and submitted your application for admissions.  Once that is complete, please submit a letter of application addressing the following points: 

1) Identify any financial hardships that impact your ability to attend the program to which you have applied.

2) Describe the other sources of financial support (use of title funds, support from foundations, school professional development funds, etc.) that you have sought to address the financial need.

To apply for additional scholarship support, please submit a letter addressing the two points indicated above to:

Debbie Sullivan, Ed.D.
Co-Director, Andrew M. Greeley Center for Catholic Education


Requests for financial support are reviewed by the Greeley Scholarship Review team.  Letters of application will be reviewed on a rolling basis until all available funding is allocated.  Candidates are encouraged to apply early in order maximize the opportunity to receive funding.  

This scholarship is renewable for the duration of the program to which you have applied, dependent on continued availability of funds.  To be eligible for renewal of the scholarship, you must meet the following criteria: 

  1. Maintain status as a student in good standing with Loyola University Chicago.
  2. Continue to make progress towards completion of the program to which you applied.
  3. Continue to work at a Catholic school.

As a condition of acceptance of the scholarship, you agree to maintain employment in a Catholic school over the next five years.