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Sakai 23 Upgrade


Loyola will upgrade to Sakai 23 on Thursday, December 19th, 2024. Sakai will be unavailable from approximately 7am-11am. This latest software release provides you with a new interface for accessing courses, a new Dashboard tool, improvements to the Assignments Grader, options for managing course access, and more. For further details, please review the Sakai 23 Release Notes or register for an upcoming information session.


  • New Portal user interface for accessing and pinning sites
  • Improved, mobile-friendly Assignments Grader with inline commenting
  • New Dashboard tool for viewing a snapshot of activity in a course
  • Options for automatically publishing/unpublishing courses
  • And more!

Events and Training

What's New in Sakai 23 - Faculty (30 minutes)

Join ITRS (Instructional Technology & Research Support) for a sneak peek at Sakai 23. ITRS staff will highlight new features and improved functionality, including hands-on demonstrations of selected features. This session will focus on Sakai 23 from a faculty and staff perspective.

Tuesday, November 19th @ 1pm CT
Registration opening soon

Wednesday, December 4th @ 11:00am CT
Registration opening soon

Tuesday, January 7th @ 2:00pm CT
Registration opening soon

What's New in Sakai 23 - Students (30 minutes)

Join ITRS (Instructional Technology & Research Support) for a sneak peek at Sakai 23. ITRS staff will highlight new features and improved functionality, including hands-on demonstrations of selected features. This session will focus on Sakai 23 from a student perspective.

Thursday, January 9th @ 1:00pm CT
Registration opening soon


Loyola will upgrade to Sakai 23 on Thursday, December 19th, 2024. Sakai will be unavailable from approximately 7am-11am. This latest software release provides you with a new interface for accessing courses, a new Dashboard tool, improvements to the Assignments Grader, options for managing course access, and more. For further details, please review the Sakai 23 Release Notes or register for an upcoming information session.


  • New Portal user interface for accessing and pinning sites
  • Improved, mobile-friendly Assignments Grader with inline commenting
  • New Dashboard tool for viewing a snapshot of activity in a course
  • Options for automatically publishing/unpublishing courses
  • And more!

Events and Training

What's New in Sakai 23 - Faculty (30 minutes)

Join ITRS (Instructional Technology & Research Support) for a sneak peek at Sakai 23. ITRS staff will highlight new features and improved functionality, including hands-on demonstrations of selected features. This session will focus on Sakai 23 from a faculty and staff perspective.

Tuesday, November 19th @ 1pm CT
Registration opening soon

Wednesday, December 4th @ 11:00am CT
Registration opening soon

Tuesday, January 7th @ 2:00pm CT
Registration opening soon

What's New in Sakai 23 - Students (30 minutes)

Join ITRS (Instructional Technology & Research Support) for a sneak peek at Sakai 23. ITRS staff will highlight new features and improved functionality, including hands-on demonstrations of selected features. This session will focus on Sakai 23 from a student perspective.

Thursday, January 9th @ 1:00pm CT
Registration opening soon