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Loyola University Chicago Loyola Business Leadership Hub
Housed in the Quinlan School of Business
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Navigating Leadership Blindspots

Join us for a dynamic 60-minute webinar tailored for members and friends of Loyola's Family Business Center. Our goal? To shed light on those elusive blind spots in leadership and equip you with the tools to tackle them head-on.


You will learn the power of polarity thinking, and how to apply it both within your family business and on a personal level. By the end of our session, you'll not only grasp the concept of polarities but also gain insights into your own blind spots and how to address them effectively. 

What you'll gain (ABCs):

  • Affective (feel): Feel resourced and confident in your ability to use polarity thinking when navigating tough dilemmas.
  • Behavioral (do): Acquire the skills to transcend conflict, break free from being "stuck," and enhance your overall effectiveness.
  • Cognitive (know): Recognize your own blind spots and develop strategies to overcome them.


We are excited to have Cathy Carroll as our guest speaker. When Cathy led her father’s business, she quickly discovered that family business leadership is nothing like the leadership she knew from twenty years in large public companies. As a leadership coach, she passionately supports the development of leaders in family businesses. Her first book, "Hug of War: How to Lead a Family Business With Both Love and Logic", is published by Koehler Books.

Webinar details

Date: Wednesday, July 10, 2024
Time: 1:00 - 2:00 p.m. (CT) 
Format: Zoom
