AY 14-15

Tea with the Women of the Math/Stat Department
Join the women faculty in mathematics and statistics for a social event for female students, faculty, and staff. There will be tea, snacks, and crafts!

PuzzleHunt 2015
Consider participating in the PuzzleHunt 2015 event! In teams of 2-4 you solve a series of increasingly difficult puzzles that ultimately lead to a cool prize! Take a look at the linked event page for more info!
Target New Transitions Hiring
The School of Education's Target New Transitions program is hiring for the 2015-2016 Academic Year. Target New Transitions is a drop-out prevention/high school retention program that provides academic coaching to CPS freshman. Academic coaches make a year-long commitment of regular academic support and relationship building with CPS freshmen who voluntarily come for support on Saturday mornings. Take a look at RamblerLink for more information!

Departmental Graduation Reception
As we come to the close of the academic year it is time to recognize our graduates, and all of our students' outstanding achievements! Take a look at the Pictures and Departmental Awards from the Reception!

April is Mathematics Awareness Month!
Whether you want to work in business, industry, government, or academia, there is a career out there for you that uses math! A mathematics degree provides a solid analytical background and technical foundation that is useful in numerous careers. Explore the many career options available to you.

Fall Preview Follow-up
Check out the questions fellow Math/Stats majors asked during the Fall Preview Pizza Party!
Loyola to Host AMS Meeting
Loyola University Chicago will be hosting the AMS Central Fall Sectional Meeting from October 3-4, 2015.

Loyola mini-Datafest Competition
Participate in the Loyola mini-Datafest Competition on Friday, April 10th. This Spring's competition is a prediction/machine learning challenge in the style of a kaggle.com competition. Check out the event here!
Graduate Student Sean Mc Carthy awarded with the REM Fellowship
Congratulations to Sean Mc Carthy for receiving the award of a Research Experience for Master's Programs Fellowship for Spring 2015.

From the Blog
Heads-up-Limit Hold'em Poker is Solved
We have long been wondering about the day computers can match the power of the human mind. Are we there yet? No. Not even close. But we have gotten one step closer with this recent development by Dr. Bowling’s research team at University of Alberta and their computer Cepheus.
Mathematician Lee Lorch Dies at 98
Human rights activist and mathematician Lee Lorch died on February 28th at the age of 98. He is known for his work towards desegregation, mentoring African American mathematicians, and supporting the Association for Women in Mathematics.

Pre-Registration Pizza Lunch
Registration for the fall semester begins April 13 and we want to make sure our students are well informed of their options. Students in our programs are invited to stop by to learn about our fall offerings and for FREE pizza!

Next Undergraduate Colloquium: March 26th
Come to the Undergraduate Colloquium (Thursday, March 26th, 4:30PM: Cuneo 312), where Karen Saxe, from Macalester College, will discuss the use of mathematics to prevent and detect gerrymandering in U.S. elections. Attendees are invited to meet the speaker 30 minutes beforehand over Tea and Cookies.
Statistics Career Night
The Department of Mathematics and Statistics recently hosted a career night and pizza party for undergraduate and graduate students interested in statistics careers.

From the Blog
The Universal Machine
With the recent release of the film, The Imitation Game, a wide audience has learned of the immense mathematical accomplishments of Alan Turing. The Academy Award nominated film focuses on breaking the system the Germans used for encrypting vital messages during WWII called the Enigma.
Why Those Statistics About The Patriots' Fumbles Are Mostly Junk
Statistics can say whatever you want it to, drolls the dull old axiom... more correctly, you might say, Statistics can say whatever you want it to when it's used irresponsibly or haphazardly. Read Professor Gregory Matthews' take on what to ignore on Super Bowl weekend.

Michael Godinez: Internship Profile
Read about one of our undergraduates who was featured in the recent Loyola Magazine!

From the Blog
A Taste of Math
One of the many places that mathematics shows up in our everyday lives is in cooking. Basic mathematics appears in the measurement of ingredients and conversions of cups to pounds or ounces to tablespoons. A stripped-down recipe is nothing more than a ratio.
Congratulations Hunyong Cho on Winning the Mini-Hackathon!
On Friday October 17th, Loyola held its first Mini-Hackathon. Statistics graduate student, Hunyong Cho, was the winner!

Terence Tao on the Colbert Report
Check out the 2014 winner of The Breakthrough Prize in Mathematics on the Colbert Report!

From the Blog
A Mathematical Way to Find Your Spouse
Have you ever wondered about the ideal age to get married? Perhaps you are curious about how many people you have to date before you find “the one.” Interestingly enough, mathematicians think about this problem and have developed a formula that will give a person a chance at happiness, or maybe just a chance at picking the best option.
Math and the Imagination
Check out our own Emily Peters on page 11 of the Fall 2014 Loyola Magazine.

Women in Mathematics and Statistics Visit the Theater
The Women in Mathematics and Statistics went to Loyola's production of "Proof" to enjoy a Tony Award winning play featuring the subject of mathematics.