AY 17-18

What are you doing this summer?
Don't fret! It's not too late to find a position for this summer. Check out some of the jobs available in the industry and apply now!

Kaitlyn Busse is DataFest Winner!
Kaitlyn Busse, a Loyola student, and her team won prize at this year's DataFest. She worked with two students from NEIU under the team name, "Alternative Facts." They won the award for Best Insight! Click to read more about the results.
Rataj Lecture on "The Power of Physical Mathematics"
This past Wednesday, March 21st, Daniel Sternheimer, of Rikkyo University and Université de Bourgogne, delivered a lecture titled "the power of physical mathematics." This installment of the Rataj Lecture Series for students in the mathematical sciences was co-sponsored by the Departments of Mathematics & Statistics and Physics. Click to see some pictures from the event.

ASA DataFest 2018
ASA DataFest returns to Loyola! This weekend-long data competition is held at top Universities across the nation and provides an opportunity for students, professors, and industry professionals to collaborate and analyze a surprise dataset. Join us!

Rataj lecture on Pi Day!
Announcing the next iteration of the Rataj Lecture Series for friends of the mathematical sciences, sponsored by the Department of Mathematics and Statistics. Pies served from 4:00 to 4:30 in MUND 204. Sara-Marie Belcastro, director of MathILy and author of Discrete Math with Ducks, will be lecturing on tiles on surfaces and matchings on grids. Following the lecture, more pies and surprises courtesy of the Math Club. All are welcome to this super-secret post-lecture event. Click for more info.

ASA Datafest 2018
ASA Datafest returns to Loyola! This weekend-long data competition is held at top Universities across the nation and provides an opportunity for students, professors, and industry professionals to collaborate and analyze a surprise dataset. Join us!

You can't do data science in a GUI
Hadley Wickham, Statistician and Chief Scientist at RStudio visits Loyola University Chicago to share his view on Data Science (and the R's place within it).
STEM grant awarded to Math/Stat Department
Loyola was selected to join APLU's $3,000,000 grant. Click to read more about the details.

Game Night
The Math Club is hosting a game night on Monday, February 19, 6-8 pm in Cueno 117. Please join us for free pizza, community and games!

NOYCE Scholars Deadline Approaching!
The deadline to apply for the NOYCE Scholars Program is March 1st. The LUC NOYCE scholars programs is a scholarship opportunity for math and math-ed students (and also science students) who would like to teach in high-need school districts. If that is you, it provides some very nice funding. This is most likely to interest math-ed students, but there are options available for anyone who would like to teach, even if you are not already in the education program.

Math Club Tutoring
Having trouble finding x? Is calculus derivin’ you crazy? We can help!! Loyola Math Club Tutoring will be happening every Monday and Thursday 6:30 – 8:00 P.M. in Dumbach Hall Room 227.

The 5th Lake Michigan Workshop
The 5th Lake Michigan Workshop on Combinatorics and Graph Theory will take place at the University of Notre Dame during the weekend of April 21 - 22, 2018. The main formal part of the workshop will include two sets of tutorial lectures. Bridget Tenner from Department of Mathematical Statistics at DePaul University will speak on coxeter systems, permutation patterns and reduced words and Ryan Martin from Department of Mathematics at Iowa State University will speak on edit distance on graphs.

openWAR on Baseball Analytics
Within baseball analytics, there is substantial interest in comprehensive statistics intended to capture overall player performance. One such measure is Wins Above Replacement (WAR), which aggregates the contributions of a player in each facet of the game: hitting, pitching, baserunning, and fielding. However, current versions of WAR depend upon proprietary data, ad hoc methodology, and opaque calculations. Dr. Matthews proposes a competitive aggregate measure, openWAR, that is based upon public data and methodology with greater rigor and transparency.

Donut Stress
Free Tutoring this Friday, December 8th from 1-5pm for all levels of math and free Dunkin Donuts. This is for some last minute studying before finals start. Come prepared with questions to ask, this tutoring will be popcorn style tutoring.

Rataj Lecture
Prof. Birgit Kaufmann, a mathematical physicist from Purdue University, will tell us about "Geometry of the gyroid wire network." No math beyond calculus will be assumed. This is a fascinating minimal surface which appears in strange places in nature, like on the wings of butterflies. The gyroid is a fascinating triply periodic minimal surface embedded in R^3. It can be found in nature on the wings of certain bugs and butterflies and is responsible for giving them their vibrant color. It is possible to synthesize this structure in the lab on the nano-scale, and there is some hope that this may lead to increased effectiveness in solar cells.

Seventh Annual Digital Ethics Symposium
In case you missed Cathy O'Neil speak at the Water Tower Campus on Friday, October 13th, here is a link to her TED talk. Cathy O'Neil is the author of the New York Times bestselling Weapons of Math Destruction: How Big Data Increases Inequality and Threatens Democracy, which was also a semifinalist for the National Book Award. She earned a Ph.D. in Math from Harvard, was a postdoctoral fellow in the MIT math department, and a professor at Barnard College where she published a number of research papers in arithmetic algebraic geometry. She is a columnist for Bloomberg View.

LUC-Noyce Scholars 2017
Congratulations to Cassandra Cowperthwaite and Adam Davenport, the 2017 LUC-Noyce Scholars Award Recipients from Mathematics and Statistics!
Juggling Event
How many ways can I juggle? How long has each ball been in the air? Dr. Peter Tingley asked our students these questions and later demonstrated juggling as a periodic sequence. Inspired by the talk, students tried testing out the theory for themselves, even some professors too. Here are some photos from Loyola University Chicago Math Club's Juggling event.
3D Printing Activity Night
Check out some photos from Loyola University Chicago Math Club's 3D printing event. The mathematics department has a 3D printer. You can use your laptop to make 3D-printable files yourself! Contact Dr. Emily Peters if you have questions on how to go about bringing your ideas to life!

Math/Stat Tea Returns
Make sure and come and enjoy cookies and coffee (or tea!) with other friends of mathematics and statistics (as well as your professors)! Tuesdays and Wednesdays 3:00-4:00pm, IES 116, throughout the semester!
Welcome New Faculty!
The Department of Mathematics & Statistics has some new additions this semester. Click to learn more about our new faculty members and where they come from.

What did you do this summer?
The Department of Mathematics and Statistics asked a few of math & stat students how they spent their summer. Click to find out the details!

Math/Stat Graduate Student Orientation
Calling all Graduate Students! The department is holding a brief orientation for our new graduate students. There will be a few words from our Graduate Program Directors, Dr. Rafal Goebel and Tim O'Brien around 2:00PM. Returning graduate students and all faculty are then welcome to join us at 2:30 p.m. for the first Math/Stat Tea.

Marian Bocea appointed NSF Program Director
Congratulations to Marian Bocea, who will become a Program Director in the Applied Mathematics section of the NSF's Division of Mathematical Sciences beginning in September, 2017.

Math/Stat Pizzistration Party!!
In advance of Fall Registration, the department hosted an informal advising pizza party where students met math/stat faculty and received advice on course selection. Click to see some photos from the event.

Mathematics and Statistics at URES 2018
The Math & Stat Department had many of our students participating in the Undergraduate Research Symposium. After a year of hard work to prepare, the students all did a wonderful job presenting their research. Take a look at pictures and presentations from the event here!

Congratulations to 2018 Graduates!
At the close of the academic year, the Department of Mathematics and Statistics wishes to recognize all of our students' outstanding achievements, especially our graduates. Take a look at our graduates achievements.

Math Teacher's Circle
Loyola Professor, Dr. Peter Tingley learns lessons from pre-schoolers. Click to read more about his problem solving strategies.