AY 18-19

Need help? Attend an SI session!
Beginning this week, SI leaders will be holding sessions outside of class to go over and review course materials. The SI program provides peer support by having students who succeeded in traditionally difficult academic courses and help other students complete these courses. SI is a non-remedial approach that provides regular review sessions outside of class in which students work collaboratively by discussing readings, comparing notes, working together to predict test items, and sharing ideas for improving class material. You can find the SI schedule at the top left corner of the tutoring centers website.

Math and Literature Contest 2018
The Department of Mathematics & Statistics is welcoming submissions for its Math and Literature essay contest. The deadline is November 5, 2018. Click to learn more about the contest.
Knitting and Math
The Department of Mathematics and Statistics is hosting an event for the Math/Stat community on November 8: Knitting and Math. All students and faculty are welcome to attend.

Fellowship Grants and Scholarships
If you are interested in outside funding, this is a great resource! Check out the Fellowship office's website for more information.

Applied Statistics Career Night 2018
On Wednesday November 7, 2018, the Mathematics and Statistics department held a career night for students interested in jobs/careers in applied statistics, biostatistics, predictive modeling, data analytics, big data, data science, etc. Some of our MS and BS/MS Applied Statistics graduates participated in a panel discussion allowing students to get a better idea of what to expect in their field. Graduates also offered resume advice while enjoying free pizza. Click to see some photos from the event.

Datafest 2019
Datafest is coming up! Get a team together and start coding. Click for more details on the event and how to sign up.

Are you interested in participating in math research?
Last summer, six students spent their break conducting research alongside professors. Click to read more about their experiences, and how you could set yourself up for similar opportunities.

Karen Uhlenbeck Is First Woman to Win Abel Prize for Mathematics
(The New York Times, 3/19/2019) For the first time, one of the top prizes in mathematics has been given to a woman.On Tuesday, the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters announced it has awarded this year’s Abel Prize — an award modeled on the Nobel Prizes — to Karen Uhlenbeck, an emeritus professor at the University of Texas at Austin. The award cites “the fundamental impact of her work on analysis, geometry and mathematical physics.” Click to learn more about this award.

Sum-of-Three-Cubes Problem Solved for ‘Stubborn’ Number 33
A number theorist with programming prowess has found a solution to 33 = x³ + y³ + z³, a much-studied equation that went unsolved for 64 years. Click to read more about why it took mathematicians so long to pin down the solution.

Graduate Interdisciplinary Research Symposium
On Saturday, March 23rd, the 12th Annual Graduate School Interdisciplinary Research Symposium five students in Applied Statistics displayed their research posters, two students in Mathematics presented their papers, and Applied Statistics student, Cuong Pham, won an award for "Best Quantitative Paper Presentation Award." Click to see some photos from their exciting weekend!
Fall Semester Preview
On Wednesday, April 4th, the faculty of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics hosted an event for students to come learn about courses being offered next semester and ask questions about their future career plans. There was free pizza and plenty of time to chat one on one!
You're invited! Weekend of Excellence (April 11-14, 2019)
Join us for Loyola University Chicago's 9th Annual Weekend of Excellence on April 11-14, 2019. This is a campus wide celebration of student achievement. The weekend's events include research symposiums, awards ceremonies, and student performances. More than 1,000 students across all colleges are participating, including more than 30 of our majors and minors! Click to learn more.
Valuing Mathematical Humanity in Classrooms Using Mathematical Beliefs
Milos Savic from the University of Oklahoma is visiting Loyola next week on Monday and Tuesday. He will be giving a talk on Tuesday afternoon from 3:00-3:50pm, on the role of creative failure in mathematics, in Cuneo 109. Click to learn more about this talk.

Congratulations to 2019 Graduates!
At the close of the academic year, the Department of Mathematics and Statistics wishes to recognize all of our students' outstanding achievements, especially our graduates. Take a look at our graduates achievements.

Algebra, Geometry and Combinatorics Day
On Saturday May 25, the Loyola Math Department will be hosting the 17th Midwest algebra, geometry and combinatorics day. Speakers include Jennifer Morse (University of Virginia), Anna Weigandt (University of Michigan), Nate Harman (University of Chicago) and Hugh Thomas (Universite du Quebec a Montreal). Click to learn more about the conference.

Ariana Grymski breaking down barriers
At Loyola University Chicago, young women, like Ariana Grymski, find the mentorship and camaraderie to bridge the gender gap in STEM fields. Click to read more about her experiences.

Welcome New Faculty!
The Department of Mathematics & Statistics has some new additions this semester. Click to learn more about our new faculty members and where they come from.
Rataj Lecture: Political Geometry by Bridget Tenner
Our next Rataj Lecture, on Wednesday October 24, will be both excellent, timely, and accessible to anyone who has taken or is taking calculus -- all geometry will be discrete. Click to learn more about the lecture.
IL-MO Regional Undergraduate Mathematics Conference 2018
Organized jointly by Southeast Missouri State University and Southern Illinois University. This year it will be held on the Campus of SIU at Carbondale, Neckers Building, Young Auditorium, Neckers 440 on Saturday, 27 Oct 2018. Click to learn more about the conference.

Maria Agnesi Vatican stamp
The Maria Agnesi Vatican stamp is out! Thanks to Professor Shirley Gray for her efforts, and all Association of Women in Mathematics supporters who helped make it happen. Maria Agnesi wrote the first known book to discuss both differential and integral calculus, and she was appointed by Pope Benedict XIV to a chair of mathematics and natural philosophy at the University of Bologna. She abandoned academics later in life and devoted herself to charitable work and spiritual reflection. The stamp depicts her in prayer with a mathematical formula on the wall and a paper on the floor which contains a famous bell shaped curve she formulated called the "Witch of Agnesi."