AY 19-20
Graduate Research Symposium Awards
The Graduate Student Advisory Council (GSAC) hosted their annual (Virtual) Graduate Research Symposium on Saturday, June 6. We are honored to report that our Department's Applied Statistics MS student, Tim Mitchell, was awarded this year's "Outstanding Paper - Presentation in the Science" Award. Click to learn more.
Pi Day Event
The LUC Math & Stats Club will be hosting the Pi-Day Event on Thursday, March 12, 2020 in IES 110 from 3:55-5:15 p.m. Dr. Tingley will be presenting a talk about the irrationality of pi: "Eating pie may be rational, but the number pi is not." Click to learn more.
Rataj Lecture on Hot Hands in Basketball
Our next Rataj Lecture is scheduled for Monday, February 24 (at 4:30pm). Dr. Lisa Goldberg will talk about hot hands in basketball: what data science can (and can’t) tell us about basketball trends. Dr. Lisa Goldberg is a mathematical finance scholar and statistician whose current positions include Adjunct Professor of Economics and Statistics at UC Berkeley, Co-Director of Berkeley's Consortium for Data Analytics in Risk and Director of Research for Aperio Group. Click to learn more.
Math Club Event: Calculator Convention
The Math & Stats Club will be hosting a calculator workshop on Thursday, February 6 from 5-6 pm at IES 111. Have some pizza and learn how to use your TI-84 scientific calculator to a fuller extent! Click to learn more.
Applied Statistics Career Night And Pizza Party
You are invited to join us on Wednesday November 13, 2019 from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm in Cuneo 109 for a discussion about jobs/careers in applied statistics, biostatistics, predictive modelling, data analytics, big data, data science, etc. Free pizza will be provided. Click to learn more.

Math Club's Donut Meeting
The Math Club hosted a Donut Meeting on October 3rd in the IES. Check out pictures and news of the event here.
Rataj Lecture: Modeling Lipid Bilayers: a combination of biology, mechanics, and geometry
The Department of Mathematics and Statistics at Loyola University Chicago invites you to attend a talk in the Rataj Lecture Series in the Mathematical Sciences on Wednesday, October 30. Dr. Brian Seguin will be telling us about Modeling Lipid Bilayers: a combination of biology, mechanics, and geometry. No mathematics beyond calculus, and no biological or mechanical background, will be assumed. Click to learn more.

55th Meeting of the Society for Natural Philosophy
The 55th meeting of the Society for Natural Philosophy (Microstructure, defects, and growth in mechanics) will be held September 13-15, 2019, Friday through Sunday, at Loyola University Chicago. All talks will be in Room 123/124 of the Institute of Environmental Sustainability (IES). Click to learn more.

The Mystery of 42 is solved
(Numberphile) Since 1954, scientists have been using computers to search for three numbers that could be cubed and summed to equal 42. Every other possible number below 100 already had a known solution, but the solution for 42 wasn't found until recently. Click to learn more.
New Program: BS in Data Science (Effective Fall 2019)
This interdisciplinary Bachelor of Science in Data Science will provide practical skills in data collection and manipulation through significant programming experience and reliable inference through applied statistics, and a focus on applying these skills to practical, domain-specific problems (56ch). Click to learn more about this program.
M. Vali Siadat Receives the 2019 Impact Award
The 2019 Award for Impact on the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics has been awarded to M. Vali Siadat for his many sustainable and replicable contributions to mathematics and mathematics education at both the pre-college and college level. Click to learn more.

What to Expect on Your First Day of Class in College?
Simply put, college is not high school. Your professor will expect you to be more independent, adventurous, and responsible than your high school teachers presumed. Follow these tips to ensure you make the most of your classes and professors, starting from your very first day of each course. Click to learn more.
Apple’s abacus emoji is wrong
Retired Mathematics Professor Eli Maor weighs in on what's wrong with Apple’s abacus emoji. Click to learn more.