AY 20-21

Bob Moses, 1935–2021
Bob Moses Has Passed Away
Bob Moses, math education innovator and civil rights icon, has passed away. Through his Algebra Project, he advocated an innovative approach to mathematics to appeal to poor minority children, and to accommodate a variety of learning styles. A main focus of the project is about demanding rigorous education in low-income communities, where children are typically tracked into remedial classes.

Congratulations to 2021 Graduates!
At the close of this most difficult academic year, the Department of Mathematics and Statistics wishes to recognize all of our COVID-19 students' outstanding achievements—not to mention perseverance and bravery—especially our graduates. Congrats!

Math/Stat Colloquium
Join us at Zoom link 89406733575 for a Undergraduate Colloquium in Mathematics and Statistics on Roots of Polynomials over Primes
2020 UConn Sports Analytics Symposium
2020 UConn Sports Analytics Symposium will take place on Saturday, October 10. The symposium is open to anyone with an interest in sports analytics. The registration fee is minimal ($5) to get an accurate count for workshop planing and logistics. The UConn Sports Analytics Symposium (UCSAS) focuses specifically on students (graduate, undergraduate, and high school) who are interested in sports analytics. It is organized by the UConn Statistical Data Science Lab of the Department of Statistics. Click to learn more.

M. Vali Siadat's Article Published In Journal
M. Vali Siadat's article "Omar Khayyam: Geometric Algebra and Cubic Equations" was published in the Math Horizons Journal on September 3, 2020 (co-author: Alana Tholen). M. Vali Siadat is a distinguished professor of mathematics at Loyola University Chicago and City Colleges of Chicago (Richard J. Daley College).Click to learn more.