AY 22-23

Mathematics and Statistics Club (2022-2023): Year in Review
The Loyola University Chicago Mathematics and Statistics Club was extremely active throughout the academic year. Sponsored events included: Symme-Tri-Dye Event, Connecting Women in STEM, Love is in the Square, Pi Day Celebration, and Game Night. This is in addition to providing twice-weekly free tutoring to all Loyola mathematics and statistics students the enitre year. Thank you for playing such a vibrant role in Loyola's campus life! (Click above to see more pictures.)

Congratulations Graduates!
Congratulations to our 2023 graduates! The Department of Mathematics and Statistics would like to thank you all for your hard work and dedication these last years. We hope that you have appreciated your time as much we have enjoyed teaching you. Click above to see the names of award winners and photos of our year's end Awards Celebration.
Alec Krueger Named a Sujack Master Teacher
The Department of Mathematics and Statistics would like to congratulate Alec Kreuger for being named a Sujack Master Teacher. Master Teachers have in common a dynamic presence in the classroom, a willingness to try new ways of teaching, and a devotion to students that goes beyond the ordinary classroom experience. Congratulations, Alec!
Mathematics Students Receive Building Bridges Awards
The Building Bridges Awards are a scholarship program established help College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) undergraduate students realize their full potential and support their academic experiences, professional aspirations and connections to their communities. Congratulations to mathematics majors Zoha Hassan and Aidan Doyle for being selected!
DataFest (Loyola University Chicago)
DataFest is a data "hackathon" for students to motivate a data-analysis class project, that makes data analysis more fun and meaningful while incentivizing good scientific practice and presentation. Now sponsored by the American Statistical Association, ASA DataFest is run through several host institutions across the country, including right here at Loyola University Chicago (April 21 - 23). Sign up today!
Mathematics and Statistics Colloquium (April 20)
Our next Mathematics and Statistics Colloquium on Thursday, April 20th will feature a talk by Dr. Rebecca Willett (University of Chicago). Join us as she discusses her topic: "Machine learning and data assimilation in the natural sciences and engineering".
ALGECOM is a one-day informal meeting of mathematicians from the Midwest and beyond, with interests in algebra, geometry, and combinatorics, widely interpreted. The meeting is planned twice a year, and the next iteration will take place at Loyola University in Chicago on Saturday April 15, 2023. There will be great talks and a poster session! Join us for this unique experience by registering today.
LEARN MOREKate Bove Wins Undergraduate Leadership Award
We are excited to congratulate our student Kate Bove (seen above holding plaque) who won the 2023 Gannon center for women and leadership's Undergraduate Leadership Award. Kate is the president of our math and stats club, and has worked tirelessly to grow that organization and plan an ever-increasing number of fun events. Congratulations Kate!
Pi Day Celebration
Come eat some pie, grab some Pi Day merch (including awesome socks!), and be irrational about your love for this magnificient number. Sponsored by the Math and Stats Club.
CAS Faculty Spotlight: Sarah Ali
The College of Arts and Sciences at Loyola University Chicago has chosen to spotlight Sarah Ali last week. Sarah is a Clinical Assistant Professor in the Department of Engineering and teaches courses for the Department of Mathematics and Statistics. She recently was awarded first prize in the Innovative Idea competition at the Industrial Engineering and Operations Management (IEOM). Click above to learn more!

Love is in the Square
Happy Valentine's Day, Ramblers! Celebrate the holiday with Math & Stats Club at our event Love Is In the Square. Come enjoy candy, snacks, and a tote bag while we explore the mathematics of origami - make and decorate your own Valentine's day box and write heartfelt messages to your loved ones.
Problem of the Month
Every month the Department of Mathematics and Statistics hosts an open math problem competition for any student. Problems will continue to come out each month and you will have until the end of the month to submit solutions. Winners will be listed on the website and win cash prizes! Click below to see this month's problem and further details.
Math & Stat Club Tutoring
Loyola's Math & Stat Club is offering drop-in tutoring this year every Monday and Thursday from 7pm-9pm in the STEM Center (located in Saint Joseph’s Hall). You don't have to be struggling in a class to take advantage of this great resource. Supplement your math learning today!

Mathematics and Statistics Colloquium (Dec 1)
Our next Mathematics and Statistics Colloquium on Thursday, December 1st will feature a talk by Dr. Pamela E. Harris (University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee). Join us as she discusses her topic: "Multiplex juggling sequences and Kostant's partition function".
Kiet Anh Nguyen Wins President's Medallion
Kiet Anh Nguyen, a Senior majoring in Theoretical Physics and Applied Mathematics, was awarded the 2022-2023 President’s Medallion at Loyola University Chicago, an award which recognizes outstanding academic achievement, leadership, and service.Congratulations, Kiet! Click above to learn more.

CAS Faculty Spotlight: Swarnali Banerjee
The College of Arts and Sciences at Loyola University Chicago has chosen to spotlight Swarnali Banerjee this week. Swarnali is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics and recently received a NIH grant to support interdisciplinary research into the cause of UTIs. Click above to learn more!

Mathematics and Statistics Colloquium (Nov 17)
Our next Mathematics and Statistics Colloquium on Thursday, November 17th will feature a talk by Dr. Mena Whalen. Join us as she discusses her topic: "History of Statistics: Introductory Statistics and the People Behind It".
Applied Statistics Career Night
You’re invited to join us on Thursday November 10, 2022 from 6.45pm onwards in Cuneo Hall Room 312 for discussions about jobs/careers in applied statistics, biostatistics, predictive modelling, data analytics, big data, data science, etc. In addition to time for your questions and comments, we’ll have a panel discussion with some of our MS and BS/MS Applied Statistics graduates. Pizza and soda provided!
Connecting Women in STEM
Join us for a talk and discussion on connecting and advocating for women in STEM at Loyola. Speakers will include Dr Gail Baura, founding Director and Chair of the Engineering Department, and Dr. Carmen Rovi, Assistant Professor in the Math and Stat Department.
Mathematics and Statistics Colloquium (Oct 20)
Our next Mathematics and Statistics Colloquium on Thursday, October 20th will feature a talk by Dr. Michelle Yuanying Guan. Join us as she discusses her topic: "Network Models in Finance and Insurance". Click to learn more about the lecture.

Symme-Tri-Dye Event
Hear our very own Dr. Emily Peters speak on symmetry! • Tie dye your own shirt! • Shirts will be provided but feel free to bring your own materials to dye! • Sign up on LUCommunity to ensure tie dye materials!

The Undergraduate Summer Research Experience and Knot Theory
The College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) Undergraduate Summer Research Experience was designed to foster engaging, high-impact, faculty-mentored research experiences for CAS undergraduate students early in their academic careers. Under the mentorship of mathematics assistant professor Carmen Rovi, Loyola students Isabel Renteria and Kay Broun, learned the essential techniques to classify knots and examined their applications using digital reproductions. Click the title above to read the full story.

Loyola Mathematicians Awarded for Mathematical Writing and Presentations
The Math and Stat Department's own Peter Tingley was recently in Philadelphia to accept the MAA's Allendoerfer award for a paper called "When to Hold 'Em" written with two former Loyola students, Kaity Parsons and Emma Zajdela. Three current students (Kate Bove, Kathryn Cantrell, and Isabel Renteria) all presented undergrad research posters at the event as well. Click above to see more photos of the posters and read more about the award!