
All Things Ignatian Staff Seminar

All Things Ignatian Staff Seminar: Care for the Whole Person and the Common Good is a seminar that focuses on Loyola’s Catholic Jesuit heritage as the distinguishing feature of its mission in higher education. The staff seminar is a seven week overview of the pedagogy and mission enterprise of Loyola University Chicago. The target participants are staff who exhibit a commitment to the Jesuit tradition and desire to promote an Ignatian way of proceeding within their respective work. Six of the sessions will be virtual to allow greater participation from Loyola’s three campuses. Our final session will be in person to culminate shared learning and future planning.

Seminar Goals

  • To engage staff more deeply with the university’s Jesuit Catholic heritage as a reference point for the person’s work;
  • To invite staff reflection on the interplay of learning, justice and faith as they pertain to serving the common good;
  • To build a core group of Ignatian inspired colleagues networked across departments who seek to advance the mission of Loyola University Chicago.

Summer 2024 Seminar Session will run Tuesday afternoons via Zoom from 3:00-4:30 PM beginning on May 7th and concluding on June 18th.

For additional information, please contact Klamesha Richards.

All Things Ignatian Staff Seminar: Care for the Whole Person and the Common Good is a seminar that focuses on Loyola’s Catholic Jesuit heritage as the distinguishing feature of its mission in higher education. The staff seminar is a seven week overview of the pedagogy and mission enterprise of Loyola University Chicago. The target participants are staff who exhibit a commitment to the Jesuit tradition and desire to promote an Ignatian way of proceeding within their respective work. Six of the sessions will be virtual to allow greater participation from Loyola’s three campuses. Our final session will be in person to culminate shared learning and future planning.

Seminar Goals

  • To engage staff more deeply with the university’s Jesuit Catholic heritage as a reference point for the person’s work;
  • To invite staff reflection on the interplay of learning, justice and faith as they pertain to serving the common good;
  • To build a core group of Ignatian inspired colleagues networked across departments who seek to advance the mission of Loyola University Chicago.

Summer 2024 Seminar Session will run Tuesday afternoons via Zoom from 3:00-4:30 PM beginning on May 7th and concluding on June 18th.

For additional information, please contact Klamesha Richards.