Rocchi, Moreno
Title/s: Adjunct Professor
Email: mrocchi1@luc.edu
Moreno Rocchi received both his Master’s degree (Theories and Techniques of Knowledge, 2011, cum laude) and his PhD (Philosophy, 2017, cum laude, dissertation on the Critique of Pure Reason’s First Analogy of Experience) from Sapienza University of Rome. He was a visiting scholar at the University of Chicago (2013-2014) and the University of Leipzig (2018, Humboldt Scholarship). He has also been invited to speak at several workshops and conferences, including the German Philosophy Workshop (University of Chicago, 2014), the SPEP Conference (Penn State University, 2018), and the International Critical Theory Conference in Rome (Loyola University Chicago, 2019). Rocchi has been teaching undergraduate courses in philosophy since 2016 and his areas of expertise are: Classical German philosophy (in particular, Kant and the aetas kantiana), early modern philosophy, logic, metaphysics, ethics, and aesthetics.
- PhD, Philosophy, Sapienza University of Rome
- MA, Theories and Techniques of Knowledge, Sapienza University of Rome
- Laurea, Philosophy, Sapienza University of Rome
Research Interests
- Kant and the aetas kantiana
- Early modern philosophy
- Critical theory
- Logic and epistemology
- Ethics
- Aesthetics
- Political philosophy