
Dutch Communication Students Visit Loyola

October 14, 2013

By Emily Olsen

Loyola’s School of Communication went international on Oct. 11 when a delegation of 30 Dutch communication students visited Chicago.

Students and professors from Fontys University of Applied Sciences in Eindhoven, Netherlands are visiting several communication schools in the United States; just recently they were in Washington D.C.

The visiting Dutch students and faculty toured the School of Communication, and learned about its history and Loyola’s Jesuit mission. They also visited the Office of International Programs.

Assistant Professor David Kamerer, who teaches courses in public relations in SOC focusing on digital media, talked to them about the development of digital public relations.

As digital media expands, public relations firms are able to expand into new ways of reaching consumers from being in the most and highest ranked Google search results to social media.

The goal of many public relations campaigns is to gain the trust of the audience, said Kamerer. In a world where many people don’t even easily trust their elected officials, it can be hard to some companies to gain that trust.

“If you want great PR, be great and the PR will follow,” said Kamerer.

Kamerer suggests that companies use social networks to find their best customers who are most likely to return and to stand up for a larger cause that more people are able to relate to. For instance, Wendy’s often made adoption a special cause for the company.

“Hamburgers? Eh. But adoption is something people may feel strongly about,” said Kamerer.

The students also had a chance to visit Leo Burnett, a Chicago-based advertising agency to see real-life applications of these skills. After their stay in Chicago, they will travel to Boston and New York City.

“Chicago is a great city,” said Majel Ruyters, a professor at Fontys, “Very lively.”
