
Loyola Debate Team caps off Another Successful Season

February 19, 2013

Loyola's debate team capped its regular season at the Western States Forensic Tournament in Reno, Nevada, with their third consecutive first-round bid to the National Parliamentary Tournament of Excellence.

The national tournament will be held at the University of Nevada-Reno March 17-20. The top 24 teams in the nation receive this honor. This year freshman Joe Carroll and junior Phil Kraft qualified for the event. “This is what we were working for from day one,” said Kraft.

This is not the only honor the duo has received this year. Recently the pair was invited to participate in The Élysée Treaty Debates this coming April 13 and 14in Washington D.C.

The Embassy of France and The Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany, in partnership with American University and George Washington University, are sponsoring the event. All debaters advancing to quarterfinals will win an all-expenses-paid study tour of Germany, France and Belgium organized by the embassies of France and Germany.