
SOC student scores internship with NHL team

Loyola student Claire Filpi, right, films an interview with Nashville Predators winger Fredrick Grudreau, left, and interviewer Brooks Bratten.

April 2, 2019

By Carla Rogner

Claire Filpi, a multimedia journalism major, is finishing up her senior year in a unique way. She has been spending her final semester in Nashville as a Broadcast and Video Production Intern for the Nashville Predators hockey team.The Nashville Predators hockey team is headed to the Stanley Cup Playoffs, and so is a Loyola School of Communication student.

Filpi had already fulfilled Loyola’s requirement for journalism students to complete an internship while interning with the Chicago Red Stars and the Chicago Steel. Last summer, Filpi applied for more than 40 programs before deciding on her dream internship with The Predators.

Filpi transferred to Loyola from Columbia College for her junior year to pursue journalism. In the past two years, Filpi has written for the Loyola Phoenix, helped to create Rambler Roundup and worked for Rambler Productions. She is now working her internship along with a full class load this semester, so she can graduate on time in May. Filpi says the experience she is getting with a professional sports team is an opportunity that you just can’t find in a classroom.

What does a typical day look like at your internship? What duties are you asked to perform?

There really is no “typical” day for me. The thing I like the most about my internship is that every day is different. The one thing I consistently do every day is log the game tape, but I do so much more. I have been creating 15 second hype videos for every game for the Predators social media. I have also filmed and edited a few videos with the Predators social media personality, Deanna Kay. I am also working with Deanna on a new project called This Week In Smashville. This is a weekly video that will be posted on the Bridgestone Arena and the Nashville Predators Instagram TV. On game days, I film post-morning skate interviews with Head Coach Peter Laviolette and the players in the locker room.  

What is your favorite part of the internship?

My favorite part about the internship is how much I get to do. Being with a professional sports team, I was expecting to just be logging tape all day at my computer. As you can see I have done so much more than that. This truly has been the best experience of my life and I am so grateful the School of Communication has made this possible. The other thing I like about my internship is how nice everybody is. I can go to anybody in the office at any time in the day to ask a question about their job or something they have done, and they will take the time out of their busy schedules to answer it.

How has your experience at Loyola helped you in your internship with the Predators?

Honestly Loyola will give you all the tools for you to be successful, but it’s all about how you use them. If you don’t get involved in everything possible, ask for questions, ask for help, and volunteer for everything you’re not going to get anywhere. Talent can only get you so far and what you learn can only get you so far. Your professors are there to give you the groundwork and how you build upon that is up to you.

What is it like to finish your degree in Nashville instead of Chicago?

I wouldn’t want to finish my senior year any other way. Moving to Nashville has truly been the best experience of my life and I wouldn’t be able to get this experience in Chicago. The Predators have really gone above and beyond and given me the opportunity to succeed and learn what it is like to work for a professional sports team.

What are your career goals? How is this internship helping you to achieve those goals?

I have always known I wanted to work in sports, but over the past four years, my love for hockey has grown. When I graduate I hope I can work for an NHL team. I love doing so many things and I am open to learning more, so any position I get I would make me very happy. Obviously, I would love to work in the broadcast department making videos, but if that isn’t an option for me right now, it’s something I can work towards in the future.