
SOC alters spring operating hours

Last updated 3/20/20

With Loyola University Chicago’s campuses now closed due to the coronavirus outbreak, the School of Communication headquarters building will be closed until further notice.

All School of Communication classes are being offered online, and student advising appointments are being handled remotely.

Academic Advising

Students may schedule advising appointments online at https://www.tinyurl.com/SOCAppts. Advising sessions will be conducted by phone or over Zoom, at the student’s preference.

Technology Support

If you are struggling to find resources, please contact the SoC Technology Manager, Jamason Chen or Digital Media Services

Faculty, Staff Directory

If you are looking for a particular staff member, faculty member, or administrator, please see the About Us section to find the appropriate contact.

Faculty, Staff Online Support

The School of Communication has created a new Sakai site titled, SOC Online Support, so faculty and staff can have access to resources to assist them in performing their jobs remotely. The site is filled with resources, such as written and video tutorials for Sakai, Zoom and Panopto, and times and dates for upcoming live online training sessions. You can access SOC Online Support by simply signing into Sakai and going to the tab in the top right corner titled, Sites. The SOC Online Support site will be in your drop down list. The site also has the list of SOC Online Faculty Mentors who have volunteered to help anyone with questions or challenges.

Student Online Support

We've created a peer-to-peer online assistance site for SOC students. The Instagram account, soc_mentors will soon be populated with names and contact information of SOC students who are tech savvy and familiar with online learning. These mentors will monitor the messaging function on the Instagram site to quickly respond to students seeking help.

Staying Connected with Students

While our students have left campus and are working remotely, we want to stay connected. So we've developed a new feature on the School of Communication website titled On the Homefront, highlighted on the SOC's front page. Here, we will feature stories and photos from SOC students as they reflect on this unique experience of finishing the semester at home. If you are a student who would like to be featured in On the Homefront, please email our student journalist, Sydney Owens, and she will contact you to arrange a phone interview.

Prospective Students

If you are interested in learning more about Loyola and the School of Communication, please contact our Admissions Office.