
Call for Contributions to the Bren Ortega Murphy Memorial Scholarship Fund

Loyola University Chicago is pleased to announce the establishment of the Bren Ortega Murphy Memorial Scholarship in honor of Dr. Bren Adair Ortega-Murphy, Professor Emerita, who inspired and mentored countless students, alumni, faculty, staff, and friends during her 36-year career at Loyola. Dr. Murphy taught for many years in the College of Arts and Sciences, serving as the Chair of the Department of Communication and Director of the Women’s Studies Program before the establishment of the School of Communication, after which time she held a joint appointment in the School of Communication and the Women’s Studies and Gender Studies Program.

The School of Communication and the Women’s Studies and Gender Studies Program in the College of Arts and Sciences invite contributions to this endowed scholarship fund in memory of Dr. Murphy. Our goal is to raise $100,000 to provide a permanent endowment for the fund. Thanks to an anonymous donor, we have already raised $50,000 of that sum and are more than half-way to our goal. We invite all individuals and organizations to contribute to this scholarship fund. Any and all gifts are welcome.  

Criteria for recipients of the Bren Ortega Murphy Memorial Scholarship will be:

  • undergraduate or graduate students enrolled in the School of Communication or Women’s Studies and Gender Studies Program, or both, at LUC;
  • have demonstrated engagement in issues of social justice;
  • be in good academic standing, with a base GPA of 3.0 or higher; and
  • demonstrate financial need as determined by the University.

Please make your contribution to www.luc.edu/brenmurphy.

For more information about Dr. Murphy, please visit In Memoriam: Dr. Bren Adair Ortega-Murphy.