Loyola University Chicago

University Staff Council

Charter & By-Laws

University Staff Council Charter & By-Laws

Charter and Bylaws, updated July 2024 (PDF download)


Article I: University Staff Council Mission Statement

I. Support the University’s mission, vision, and strategic goals.

II. Serve as a recognized part of the University governance system and provide a voice for staff within that system.

III. Enhance and further University-wide internal communications.

IV. Assist in developing and promoting staff development programs.

V. Recognize staff for their commitment to excellence in service.

VI. Create and nurture a spirit of unity and collegiality among all employees at the University.


Article II: Membership

I. The Council consists of up to twenty-five (25) members, not including the Past Chair or any other ex-officio members. Any employee of Loyola University Chicago who is not a Faculty member, student, or officer of the institution [i.e. Vice President or above], or who does not belong to a collective bargaining unit, and is a full- time employee, is eligible to become a member of University Staff Council. Any eligible member of the University Staff may be nominated by their peers or submit a self-nomination. Nominations require supervisor approval. The University encourages department supervisors to release Staff for this important work.

II. All nominations will be reviewed and approved by Human Resources to ensure that a nominated employee is in good standings with the University. An electronic balloted election will be held annually. Elected representatives will serve a required two-year term with an optional third year (3 years total). Staff that are eligible for membership may vote in the annual election. All new members are inaugurated at the first meeting following the election results.

a. Should the University Staff Council membership not reach its maximum capacity of active members after the annual election closes, the University Staff Council may propose to hold an off-cycle election as needed outside of the annual election cycle. Off-Cycle elections must be voted on by the general body of University Staff Council and voted Yes by at least 2/3 of the University Staff Council. Upon a passed vote by the University Staff Council, the Off-Cycle election will follow the same process as annual elections with a University-wide call out for nominations and an electronic ballot. Newly elected representatives will be inaugurated at the first meeting following the election results. The year the new members are elected will count as their first year of their term, they will then fulfill their second term the following year with the optional third year. 

III. All USC elected members must remain in good standing with the University throughout the duration of their term, which will be reviewed annually by Human Resources.

IV. Since meetings are held during regular business hours, those employees interested in serving on USC should obtain the approval of their supervisor.

V. It is expected that all members attend each scheduled meeting to the best of their abilities. Any member who accumulates more than two (2) unexcused absences in a three (3) month period automatically relinquishes their seat, and a new member will be selected in their place from the pool of nominees with the next highest number of votes for that campus. If a member is unable to attend a meeting, they must notify the Chair prior to the start of the meeting; otherwise, it will be counted as an unexcused absence. 

a. Reasons for an excused absence may include:

i. Work-related commitments, such as a meeting or conference

ii. Illness

iii. Scheduled vacation

iv. Family emergency

VI. Each member is expected to serve on at least one (1) of the four (4) USC sub-committees listed under Article IV. below.

Article III: Executive Board Leadership

I. During the transition meeting, the members of USC will select an Executive Board, which will consist of a Chair, Past Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer as officers for the next USC year. The major responsibilities of each Executive Board member are as follows-

a. Chair

i. Leading USC meetings

ii. Attendance

1.  The Chair is responsible for ensuring members’ participation in University Staff Council through regular attendance at meetings within the attendance guidelines (as outlined in Article II of this document)

iii. Approve any budget requests from committees and consulting with USC Treasurer as appropriate.  

iv. Acting as USC liaison to the Chair of Faculty Council (FC) 

v. Acting as USC liaison to President, Unified Student Government

vi. Acting as USC liaison to Vice President of Human Resources

vii. Acting as USC liaison to the University Senate

viii.  Acting as USC liaison to Mission & Identity via the Faculty/Staff Chaplain

ix. Acting as USC liaison, or appointing liaison, to the Executive Council on Diversity & Inclusion

b. Past Chair

i. Immediate former elected USC Chair to provide support in a non-voting, advisory role to the current Chair and the Executive Board, providing oversight of special projects or liaison to university-wide committee’s or governance structures for a minimum period of 6 months. May continue up to one (1) year if necessary and decided on by current council members.

ii. The Past Chair would be responsible for requesting appropriate access for newly, elected Executive Board to University Staff Council shared documents, system access, (i.e.,emails, budgets, etc.).  

c. Vice Chair

i. Leading USC meetings in absence of Chair

ii. Overseeing and coordination all USC elections (task forces or election process, etc.)

iii. Updating the Charter and By-Laws as needed, in consultation with the Chair

iv. Coordinating any and all necessary revisions that need to be made on the SC website to maintain accurate and current information

v. Maintaining updated access lists (i.e., emails, budgets, etc.) once the Past Chair has completed their term

d. Treasurer

i. Managing USC budget and report at USC meeting as needed

ii. Leading USC meeting in absence of Chair and Vice Chair

iii. Signing check requisitions, invoices, budget transfers, etc. on behalf of USC

iv. Acting as liaison for Loyola Employee Emergency Fund (LEEF) with Human Resources

e. Secretary

i. Scheduling date, time, and location for USC meeting

ii. Compiling and distributing USC meeting agendas and minutes

iii. Maintaining the organization of the operational infrastructure, such as file share.

iv. Coordinating the Annual Transition Meeting (agenda & minutes and scheduling the meeting)

v. Identifying and updating any operational efficiencies that will assist the council in performing day to day operations

II. All Executive Board members, with the exception of the Past Chair, are expected to be active on a least one (1) committee.

III. Leaving your post

a. Training with newly elected Executive Board

i. All materials should be uploaded to the correct repository

ii. The outgoing Executive Board creates an operations calendar, and a transition document

b. Leaving in the middle of your post

i. If an Executive Board member leaves their post in the middle of a term, they must schedule an exit meeting with the Executive Board and relinquish all notes, important documents, and training materials.

ii. Remaining Executive Board members will coordinate replacement on behalf of the outgoing member(s)


Article IV: Committees

I. Committee Structure

a. Each University Staff Council member, including the Executive Board with the exception of the Past Chair, will serve on at least one (1) committee.

b. Each committee should have equal and proportional representation according to current University Staff Council membership.

c. Each committee will have a chair and/or co-chairs appointed by the respective committee members.

d. It is expected that each committee meets regularly as projects dictate, and prepares a report with updates for upcoming monthly meeting.

II. Training with new committee chair

a. All materials should be updated, and uploaded to the correct repository, as needed.

b.  The committee Chair shall coordinate and establish a strategic plan or set of goals for the upcoming year in collaboration with their respective committee, to be shared with USC.

c. The outgoing Chair/Co-Chair is responsible for creating and/or updating an operations calendar, and a transition document to provide a general understanding of a time line of events and expectations of duties

III. Leaving in the middle of your post

a. If a Chair/Co-Chair leaves their post in the middle of a term, they must schedule an exit meeting with the Executive Board and relinquish all notes, important documents, and training materials

IV. Committee Major Responsibilities

a. Communications

i.  Promoting communication to Staff, such as a USC website, monthly newsletter, etc.

ii. Monitoring and maintaining the USC email inbox and bringing Staff feedback to full USC meetings.

iii. Acting as liaison with UMC on behalf of USC to market/communicate different initiatives.

iv. Maintaining USC website, and making sure information is updated.

v. Coordinating with the Vice Chair to disseminate USC elections communications.

b. Cultural Engagement & Events

i. Promoting spirit and unity throughout Loyola by coordinating and assisting in Staff social events.
ii. Organizing President receptions (i.e.,Pizza with the President).

iii. Assisting Human Resources with University-wide events (i.e.,holiday party,
St. Ignatius picnic, etc.).

iv. Coordinating monthly Heritage Month celebrations.

v. Holding various cultural and social events throughout the year for Staff to participate in and engage with one another and the community. 

c. Staff Recognition & Excellence Awards

i. Promoting and recognizing the contributions of Staff and their integral role in supporting and fulfilling Loyola’s values.

ii. Coordinating with Human Resources on the Annual Staff Recognition & Excellence Awards event.

iii. Partnering with Human Resources and UMC on promoting the Monthly Excellence Awards. s

iv. Supporting Human Resources’ annual Service Recognition program.

d. Cura Personalis

i. Bringing awareness of USC to new Staff members at Loyola 101 sessions.

ii. Developing and implementing various Staff-focused personal and professional development opportunities.

iii. Developing and implementing staff mentor-ship program, 'Colleagues Who Care'

iv. Overseeing LEEF (Loyola Employee Emergency Fund)

1. Raising awareness and funding for LEEF

2. Establishing dollar goal for funds raised each year (e.g. $5-10K)

3. Partnering with other University Staff Council committees, other LUC departments, including Faculty Council, Mission & Ministry, Advancement, and Human Resources, as needed

4. Working with Human Resources and USC Treasurer on the LEEF requests and disbursement of payment

5. Human Resources will send a LEEF request to the USC Committee and USC Treasurer

6. Period of Transition

a. (Former) LEEF committee members will review request and determine outcome

b. In absence of committee members, former Executive Board members will review request and determine outcome

c.  In absence of Executive Board, former USC members will review request and determine outcome


Article V. Amendments

a. This Charter can only be amended by an affirmative vote from a minimum of 75% of USC members with at least one representative from each campus.

b. Final review and approval will be provided by the Vice President of Human Resources. 



Article I: Meetings

I. USC meets one (1) time each month, and in the Spring, each “new” Council selects the date of the month that regularly scheduled meetings will take place

II. In order to hold a meeting, a minimum of 50% of USC members must be present with at least one representative from each campus.

III. Guests (e.g. Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO)) may be invited to attend meetings

IV. Meetings will be held electronically on each campus


Article II: Order of Business

I. The order of business to be followed at meetings of USC shall ordinarily be:

a. Minutes of the previous meeting

b. Chairperson’s report

c. Follow up on action items

d. New Business

e. Committee reports

f. Adjournment


Article III: Agenda Setting

I. Setting the agenda for the month meeting shall be the responsibility of the Chair, in consultation with the Executive Board

II. Any member of USC may present an item for the agenda to the Executive Board for consideration prior to an upcoming USC meeting

III. The agenda will be communicated in advance of meetings.


Article IV: Voting

I. Each member of USC, with the exception of the Past Chair or any other ex-officio member(s), shall have voting rights

II. Voting shall be decided by a simple majority of those present

III. Discussion on a topic to be voted on will be held prior to the meeting with the vote

IV. In order for a vote to be finalized, a minimum of 60% of voting USC members must cast a vote with at least one representative from each campus

a. Votes can be submitted electronically and must be provided to the University Staff Council Chair by the close of business day prior to the meeting

b. Votes submitted after this time will not be counted


Article V: Amendments

I. These Bylaws can only be amended by an affirmative vote from a minimum of 75% of USC members with at least one representative from each campus

II. Final review and approval will be given by the Vice President of Human Resources.