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Stritch - Bioethics

The Neiswanger Institute for Bioethics and Healthcare Leadership is a pluralistic program that draws upon the commitment to social justice of the Jesuit heritage of the Stritch School of Medicine in its teaching, research, and service.  

AS PART OF OUR MISSION, the Institute offers online master's degree and doctoral degree programs in BIOETHICS and HEALTHCARE MISSION LEADERSHIP, as well as online certificate programs for healthcare professionals.  Our innovative online environment supports practical education and provides valuable engagement and networking among peers and experts in the field of bioethics and health policy.


Two Factors Distinguish The Neiswanger Institute for Bioethics

A commitment to educating healthcare professionals to be effective leaders for social justice in medicine and society, and;

A commitment to understanding and respecting the role of religious and spiritual traditions, especially that of the school’s Roman Catholic heritage, in healthcare decision making.

FOR MORE INFORMATION about our online graduate degrees and certificate programs, request information: Bioethics, Healthcare Mission Leadership.
REGISTER for one of our upcoming online open house webinars.

AS PART OF OUR MISSION, the Institute offers online master's degree and doctoral degree programs in BIOETHICS and HEALTHCARE MISSION LEADERSHIP, as well as online certificate programs for healthcare professionals.  Our innovative online environment supports practical education and provides valuable engagement and networking among peers and experts in the field of bioethics and health policy.