
Emily E. Anderson, PhD, MPH



Emily E. Anderson, PhD, MPH, is a professor. She teaches research ethics and responsible conduct of research to graduate and medical students as well as courses in empirical bioethics and global bioethics. Her areas of interest and expertise include researcher and physician professionalism and misconduct; ethical issues in research with vulnerable populations; informed consent; institutional review board (IRB) policy; and the application of qualitative research techniques to the study of research ethics. Dr. Anderson has published articles in the American Journal of Bioethics, Ethics and Behavior, Journal of Law Medicine and Ethics, Academic Medicine, Accountability in Research, and the Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics (JERHRE). She serves as associate editor for Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics. She also has almost 20 years of experience serving on six different IRBs and frequently presents at conferences including the American Society for Bioethics and Humanities (ASBH) and Public Responsibility in Medicine and Research (PRIM&R). Dr. Anderson has also been a co-investigator on several federally-funded research and educational projects.

Dr. Anderson is the Principal Investigator/Project Director of the Loyola University Chicago-Ukrainian Catholic University (LUC-UCU) Doctoral and Post- Doctoral Bioethics Fellowship Program. This program provides advanced training in research ethics in English to scholars and professionals from Ukraine. The aim of this program is to train a critical mass of bioethics experts who will hold positions of scholarship and leadership in health research institutions in Ukraine. These individuals will be instrumental in providing direction on matters of research ethics to their educational institutions, government agencies, and international organizations. This program is a partnership between the Neiswanger Institute and UCU’s School of Bioethics.




  • PhD in Health Care Ethics, Saint Louis University, St. Louis, MO
  • MPH in Community Health Sciences (Health Education/Health Promotion), University of Illinois at Chicago, School of Public Health, Chicago, IL

Research Interests

  • Research ethics, empirical bioethics, global bioethics

Courses Taught

  • BEHL 405 Research Ethics
  • BEHL 425 Empirical Bioethics
  • BEHL 430 Advanced Topics in Research Ethics: Special Populations
  • BEHL 432 Global Bioethics
  • BEHL 491 Bioethics of Pandemics and Public Health Preparedness
  • BEHL 491 Bioethics of Film & Television
  • BEHL 491 Feminist Bioethics
  • BEHL 491 Bioethics During War
  • BMSC 405 Ethical Issues in Biomedical Sciences

Publications/Research Listings

  • Anderson EE, Hurley EA, Serpico K, Johnson A, Rowe J, Singleton M, Bierer BE, Cholka B, Chaudhari S, Fernandez Lynch H. (2023). Engaging Key Stakeholders to Overcome Barriers to Studying the Quality of Research Ethics Oversight. Research Ethics. 19(1) 62-77.
  • Nicholls S, Taylor HA, James R, Anderson EE, Friesen P, Schonfeld T, and Summers E. (2023). A cross sectional survey of recruitment practices, supports, and perceived roles for unaffiliated and non-scientist members of IRBs. AJOB Empirical Bioethics, 14(3): 174-184. PMID: 36821084
  • Anderson EE, Johnson A, and Fernandez Lynch H. (2023). Inclusive, engaged, and accountable institutional review boards. Accountability in Research, 5: 1-9.
  • Weiss EM, Porter KM, Sullivan TR, Sotelo Guerra LJ, Anderson EE, Garrison NA, Baker L, Smith JM, Kraft SA. (2024, in press). Equity concerns across pediatric research recruitment: An analysis of research staff interviews. Academic Pediatrics, online July 2023.
  • McIntosh T, Pendo E, Walsh HA, Baldwin K, Anderson EE, Caldicott CV, Carter JD, Johnson S, King P, Norcross W, Shaffer DC, Hoechstetter M, and DuBois JM. (2024). What Can State Medical Boards Do to Effectively Address Serious Ethical Violations? Journal of Law, Medicine, and Ethics,51(4):941-953.
  • Emily E. Anderson (2023) Balancing Protection and Inclusion by Including More Non-Scientist and Nonaffiliated Members on
  • IRBs. AJOB 23(6): https://doi.org/10.1080/15265161.2023.2201215.
  • Kraft SA, Porter KM, Sullivan TR, Anderson EE, Garrison NA, Baker L, Smith JM, and Weiss EM (2022). Relationship Building in Pediatric Research Recruitment: Insights from Qualitative Interviews with Staff. Journal of Clinical and Translational Science. 6(1): e138.
  • Serpico K, Rahimzadeh V, Anderson EE, Gelinas L, & Fernandez Lynch H. (2022). Institutional Review Board Use of Outside Experts: What Do We Know? Ethics & Human Research, 44(2): 26-32. PMID: 35218600
  • Borghese M, Joyce C, Anderson EE, Churpek MM, and Afshar M. (2022). Bias Assessment and Correction in Machine Learning Algorithms: A Use-Case in a Natural Language Processing Algorithm to Identify Hospitalized Patients with Unhealthy Alcohol Use. AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings. Feb 21: 247-254. eCollection. PMID: 35308909
  • Serpico K, Rahimzadeh V, Gelinas L, Hartsmith L, Fernandez Lynch H, Anderson EE.  (2022). Institutional Review Board Use of Outside Experts: A National Survey. AJOB Empirical Bioethics, June 24: 1-12PMID: 35748820
  • Smith E, Anderson EE, Deer R, Prochaska J, Bohn K, Croisant S.  (2022). Reviewing Fair Subject Selection Considerations for the Unique Case of Post Sequelae COVID-19 Translational Studies. Journal of Clinical and Translational Science. 6(1): e91. PMID: 36003210
  • Basarab M, Anderson EE. (2022). Research During Wartime: Ethical Challenges Faced by Oncology Researchers in Ukraine. JAMA Oncology. 8(9): 1254-1255. PMID: 35834216
  • Anderson EE, Hurley EA, Serpico K, Johnson A, Rowe J, Singleton M, Bierer BE, Cholka B, Chaudhari S, Fernandez Lynch H. (2023). Engaging Key Stakeholders to Overcome Barriers to Studying the Quality of Research Ethics Oversight. Research Ethics. 19(1) 62-77.
  • Kraft SA, Porter KM, Sullivan TR, Anderson EE, Garrison NA, Baker L, Smith JM, and Weiss EM (2022). Relationship Building in Pediatric Research Recruitment: Insights from Qualitative Interviews with Staff. Journal of Clinical and Translational Science. 6(1): e138
  • Brazel, D, Witowska J, Wesolowski M, Anderson EE. (2021). Crying with a Patient: A Pilot Study of the Attitudes of Physicians and Physicians-in-Training. Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics. 11(2).
  • Taylor HA, Serpico K, Lynch HFL, Baumann J, & Anderson EE. (2021). A snapshot of US IRB review of COVID-19 research in the early pandemic. Journal of Clinical and Translational Science, published online 13 September 2021.
  • Smith E, Anderson EE. (2021). Reimagining IRB Review to Incorporate a Clear and Convincing Standard of Evidence. Accountability in Research. https://doi.org/10.1080/08989621.2021.1880902
  • Anderson EE, Brown B. (2021). A Call for Radical Transparency Regarding Research Payments. American Journal of Bioethics. 21(3); 45-47.
  • Ghobrial P, Akkina S, and Anderson EE (2021). Risks to Relationships in Kidney Transplant Research with Living Donors and Recipients. American Journal of Bioethics.  21(4): 110-112.
  • Anderson EE. (2021). Sharing Research Opportunities on Personal Social Media Accounts and Fair Subject Selection. American Journal of Bioethics. 21(10): 40-42.
  • Spellecy R, Anderson EE. (2021). Patient and Community Engagement. In IRB Management and Function, 3rd edition. Edited by Elizabeth Bankert, Bruce Gordon, Elisa Hurley, and Sharon Shriver. Jones and Bartlett.
  • Anderson EE, Spellecy R. (2021). Research That Engages Community and Patient Partners. Oxford Handbook of Research Ethics. Edited by Ana S. Iltis and Douglas MacKay. Oxford.
  • Spellecy R, Anderson EE(2021). Respect for Persons and Artificial Intelligence in the Age of Big Data. In Artificial Intelligence in Brain and Mental Health: Philosophical, Ethical, & Policy Issues. Edited by Fabrice Jotterand and Marcello Ienca.
  • Caples TL, Anderson EE. (2021). Early Termination of Cardiovascular Research Protocols. Ethical Issues in Cardiovascular Medicine. Edited by D Zientek and M Cherry. Routledge, Annals of Bioethics series. Springer.
  • Serpico K, Rahimzadeh V, Anderson EE, Gelinas L, & Fernandez Lynch H. (2022). Institutional Review Board Use of Outside Experts: What Do We Know? Ethics & Human Research, 44(2): 26-32.
  • Baric-Parker J, Anderson EE. (2020). Patient data sharing for AI: Ethical challenges, Catholic solutions. The Linacre Quarterly. 87(4) 471-481. https://doi.org/10.1177/0024363920922690
  • Anderson EE. (2020). Partnering with Research Staff Members to Bridge Gaps in Consent. American Journal of Bioethics. 20(5): 28-30.
  • Ulrich CM, Anderson EE, & Walter JK. (2020). COVID-19: Advancing Empirical Bioethics Research. AJOB Empirical Bioethics.  11(3): 145-147.
  • Anderson EE. (2020). A Vision for “Ethics and Community Collaborations.” Progress in Community Health Partnerships. 14(3) 273-276.  Link to “Beyond the Manuscript” podcast discussion of article.
  • Rak K, Matthews AK, Pena G, Choure W, Ruiz RA, Morales S, Castillo A. Soo J, and Anderson EE. (2019). Priority Populations Toolkits: Enhancing Researcher Readiness to Work with Priority Populations. Journal of Clinical and Translational Science. 4(1): 28-3. 
  • Anderson EE. (2019). A Proposal for Fair Compensation for Research Participants. American Journal of Bioethics. 19(9): 62-64.
  • DuBois JM, Anderson EE, Chibnall JT, Mozersky J, Walsh HA. (2019). Serious Ethical Violations in Medicine: A Statistical and Ethical Analysis of 280 Cases in the United States from 2008-2016. American Journal of Bioethics. 19(1): 16-34.
  • DuBois JM, Anderson EE, Chibnall JT, Diakov L, Doukas DJ, Holmboe HS, Koenig HM, Krause JH, McMillan G, Mendelsohn M, Mozersky J, Norcross WA, Whelan AJ. (2019). Preventing Egregious Ethical Violations in Medical Practice: Evidence-Informed Recommendations from a Multidisciplinary Working Group. Journal of Medical Regulation. 104(4): 21-29.


  • Preventing Ethical Disasters in the Practice of Medicine (subcontract with Washington University)
  • Development of Informed Consent Training Video for Community-Engaged Health Disparities Research Funded by the National Institute of Minority Health and Health Disparities (subcontract with University of Illinois at Chicago)
  • How Do Underserved Women Think about Breast Cancer Risk? Funded by the National Cancer Institute (subcontract with University of Illinois Chicago)
  • Environmental Factors Associated with Professional Misconduct in Medical Research and Practice Funded by the Bander Family Foundation (subcontract with Saint Louis University)