
E. David Cook, PhD, D. Litt., DD



David is former Professor of Faith and Learning at Wheaton College and Fellow, Chaplain, Green College,Oxford.  He taught philosophy, theology and medical ethics as well as supervised many doctorates in the UK and USA.  He was a weekly BBC Radio and TV broadcaster on ethical, theological and medical issues.  He advised the British Medical Association, the Archbishops of Canterbury and York, UK Government Select Committees and the Council of Europe on Genetics, Euthanasia, and Xenotransplantation in particular.  He was a member of the UK Xenotransplantation Authority and other national and international bodies.  He teaches each summer in Oxford and for Loyola Neiswanger Institute.  He has lectured extensively nationally and internationally.   His passion is to enable people to think better, think critically, and think Christianly.


PhD, Edinburgh University, Edinburgh, UK

Courses Taught

  • BEHP 406  Principles in Health Care Ethics
  • BEHP 409  Religion and Bioethics
  • BEHP 414  Moral Theology for Bioethics
  • BEHP 415  Catholic Bioethics in Clinical Practice

Publications/Research Listings

  • Cook, EDThe Moral Maze - A Way of Exploring Christian Ethics. SPCK Publishing, 1983.
  • Cook, EDDilemmas of Life: Deciding What's Right and What's Wrong. Inter-Varsity Press, 1990.
  • Cook, ED. Living in The Kingdom.  Hodder Press, 1992.
  • Cook, ED. Patient's Choice. Hodder Press, 1993.