
Ethics Consult Skills

Clinical Ethics Consultation Training & Education

The Neiswanger Institute for Bioethics at Loyola University Chicago is committed to the education and training of health-care professionals who conduct ethics consultation and sit on ethics committees. 

The Assessing Clinical Ethics Skills Project (ACES) is a training and education program for conducting clinical ethics consultation through means of evaluation, assessment, and web-based instructional tools.

Evaluation and assessment tools

Drawing on the Core Competencies for Health Care Ethics Consultation published by the American Society for Bioethics and Humanities (ASBH) and the Ethics Consultant Proficiency Assessment Tool from the Integrated Ethics Program at the Department of Veterans Affairs, we developed the Assessing Clinical Ethics Skills (ACES) Tool.  The assessment tool is designed to be used in an educational setting with live or video recorded simulated ethics case consultations and trained raters evaluating the interpersonal skills of an ethics consultant.  The web-based instructional model trains individuals to use and apply the ACES assessment tool.

Web-based training

The ACES Project developed a web-based instructional model offering training, educational materials (case simulation videos and rubrics) and assessment of interpersonal skills of clinical ethics consultants.  The web-based model is designed for collaborative or individual learning and evaluation.

CLICK HERE to view a demonstration of the ACES tool in the web-based case simulation instructional model and to REQUEST ACCESS*

*Already have user access approval? Continue here to the ACES Project cases.

"The ACES resources provide a fantastic understanding of the essential elements of quality clinical ethics consultation.  The video vignettes allowed our Ethics Integration Committee members to view clinical ethics consultation and assess the quality without feeling like they were judging their peers.  Most importantly, these resources, when used in tandem, provided our committee members clarity for their own continuous quality improvement journey."

Mark Repenshek, PhD, Director, Ethics Integration & Education, Ascension

Graduate education 

The ACES Project is a fundamental educational component in our MASTER'S, DOCTORATE and CERTIFICATE graduate programs. The evaluation tool and web-based training are used in our online and blended courses to evaluate the interpersonal skills of clinical ethics consultants during "live" ethics case simulations.  Our graduate program courses include:

  • Ethics Consultation Simulation Seminar
  • Advanced Clinical Ethics Skills
  • Mastering Clinical Ethics Consultation


The Neiswanger Institute for Bioethics at Loyola University Chicago is committed to the education and training of health-care professionals who conduct ethics consultation and sit on ethics committees. 

The Assessing Clinical Ethics Skills Project (ACES) is a training and education program for conducting clinical ethics consultation through means of evaluation, assessment, and web-based instructional tools.

Evaluation and assessment tools

Drawing on the Core Competencies for Health Care Ethics Consultation published by the American Society for Bioethics and Humanities (ASBH) and the Ethics Consultant Proficiency Assessment Tool from the Integrated Ethics Program at the Department of Veterans Affairs, we developed the Assessing Clinical Ethics Skills (ACES) Tool.  The assessment tool is designed to be used in an educational setting with live or video recorded simulated ethics case consultations and trained raters evaluating the interpersonal skills of an ethics consultant.  The web-based instructional model trains individuals to use and apply the ACES assessment tool.

Web-based training

The ACES Project developed a web-based instructional model offering training, educational materials (case simulation videos and rubrics) and assessment of interpersonal skills of clinical ethics consultants.  The web-based model is designed for collaborative or individual learning and evaluation.

CLICK HERE to view a demonstration of the ACES tool in the web-based case simulation instructional model and to REQUEST ACCESS*

*Already have user access approval? Continue here to the ACES Project cases.

"The ACES resources provide a fantastic understanding of the essential elements of quality clinical ethics consultation.  The video vignettes allowed our Ethics Integration Committee members to view clinical ethics consultation and assess the quality without feeling like they were judging their peers.  Most importantly, these resources, when used in tandem, provided our committee members clarity for their own continuous quality improvement journey."

Mark Repenshek, PhD, Director, Ethics Integration & Education, Ascension

Graduate education 

The ACES Project is a fundamental educational component in our MASTER'S, DOCTORATE and CERTIFICATE graduate programs. The evaluation tool and web-based training are used in our online and blended courses to evaluate the interpersonal skills of clinical ethics consultants during "live" ethics case simulations.  Our graduate program courses include:

  • Ethics Consultation Simulation Seminar
  • Advanced Clinical Ethics Skills
  • Mastering Clinical Ethics Consultation