
Ethics Requirements

Ethics Requirements

All medical students are required to submit a passing (P/F) ETHICS PAPER during the spring semester of the third year. The student will reflect on the ethical and human dimensions of caring for one of their patients.  Please see the Ethics Paper page, and...

Required to attend FOUR (4) ETHICS GRAND ROUNDS sponsored by the Neiswanger Institute by the end of their third year.  Click here for complete schedule of UPCOMING EVENTS.  Ethics Grand Rounds (EGR) credit offerings will be indicated.

As you become responsible for some patient care or move closer to that responsibility, participation in discussions regarding the ethical dilemmas arising from patient care is important. At ethics grand rounds, you will see how faculty and guests approach the resolution of difficult ethical issues in patient care, and you will be able to enter a discussion of the case. The objective is that this experience will assist in your practice and help you acquire an ease in addressing ethical and public policy issues.

  • Students need to attend FOUR Neiswanger Institute for Bioethics sponsored grand rounds by the end of their fourth year. We highly recommend attending and fulfilling this requirement by the end of your second year. Attending ethics grand rounds in your third and fourth year will become difficult. Approximately twelve Bioethics sponsored grand rounds are scheduled each year.
  • Attendance is recorded by SIGN-IN SHEET for each Ethics Grand Rounds event.

To obtain Ethics Grand Rounds (EGR) Credit for an LUC student sponsored event:

  1. Please send an inquiry to Mr. Bill Schmilke wschmilke@luc.edu at least two weeks before the event. (Requests must be received no later than 4:00 pm two Fridays before the event.)
  2. The inquiry must contain all of the following information so that a determination of appropriateness can be made and the event can be listed in the Bioethics calendar at least a full week in advance of the event:
    - Speaker and talk title (please include a 1-2 sentence description of content)
    - Date, time, and location
  3. The sponsors will be responsible to pick up the sign-in sheet in SSOM 292 before the event and return it after the event. No credit can be given if the sign-in sheet is not returned.  If your event is on zoom, please send the zoom attendance sheet to wschmilke@luc.edu.

All medical students are required to submit a passing (P/F) ETHICS PAPER during the spring semester of the third year. The student will reflect on the ethical and human dimensions of caring for one of their patients.  Please see the Ethics Paper page, and...

Required to attend FOUR (4) ETHICS GRAND ROUNDS sponsored by the Neiswanger Institute by the end of their third year.  Click here for complete schedule of UPCOMING EVENTS.  Ethics Grand Rounds (EGR) credit offerings will be indicated.

As you become responsible for some patient care or move closer to that responsibility, participation in discussions regarding the ethical dilemmas arising from patient care is important. At ethics grand rounds, you will see how faculty and guests approach the resolution of difficult ethical issues in patient care, and you will be able to enter a discussion of the case. The objective is that this experience will assist in your practice and help you acquire an ease in addressing ethical and public policy issues.

  • Students need to attend FOUR Neiswanger Institute for Bioethics sponsored grand rounds by the end of their fourth year. We highly recommend attending and fulfilling this requirement by the end of your second year. Attending ethics grand rounds in your third and fourth year will become difficult. Approximately twelve Bioethics sponsored grand rounds are scheduled each year.
  • Attendance is recorded by SIGN-IN SHEET for each Ethics Grand Rounds event.

To obtain Ethics Grand Rounds (EGR) Credit for an LUC student sponsored event:

  1. Please send an inquiry to Mr. Bill Schmilke wschmilke@luc.edu at least two weeks before the event. (Requests must be received no later than 4:00 pm two Fridays before the event.)
  2. The inquiry must contain all of the following information so that a determination of appropriateness can be made and the event can be listed in the Bioethics calendar at least a full week in advance of the event:
    - Speaker and talk title (please include a 1-2 sentence description of content)
    - Date, time, and location
  3. The sponsors will be responsible to pick up the sign-in sheet in SSOM 292 before the event and return it after the event. No credit can be given if the sign-in sheet is not returned.  If your event is on zoom, please send the zoom attendance sheet to wschmilke@luc.edu.