Ping Jing, PhD
Title/s: Associate Professor
Specialty Area: -Atmospheric dynamics, air pollution, weather and climate
Office #: BVM Hall 423
Phone: 773.508.7560
CV Link: PIng-Jing-CV-2024
External Webpage:
Research Data
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Ping Jing is an associate professor in the School of Environmental Sustainability at Loyola University Chicago. She holds a PhD degree in atmospheric science from the Georgia Institute of Technology. Her research advances our understanding of climate change's impacts on atmospheric dynamics, particularly through the lens of Rossby wave breaking activities. Furthermore, her research sheds light on the increasing ozone climate penalty in the Midwest, particularly within the Chicago area. Her research findings indicate that weather conditions, notably air stagnation and dry tropical weather patterns—both anticipated to become more prevalent due to climate change—are becoming pivotal in ozone concentration regulation. This suggests an impending need for more stringent emission controls to safeguard public health. As Principal Investigator for projects including those funded by NASA and NSF, she has mentored more than 20 undergraduate students in their research on air pollution in Chicago communities.
- PhD in Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, May 2004, Georgia Institute of Technology, College of Sciences – Atlanta, GA
- MS in Atmospheric Environment, June 1999, Chinese Academy of Meteorological Science – Beijing, China
- BS in Atmospheric Physics, June 1996, Nanjing Institute of Meteorology (now Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology) – Nanjing, China
Professional & Community Affiliations
- Member, American Geophysical Union
- Member, American Meteorological Society
- Member, National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity
Courses Taught
- ENVS 200: Environmental Careers and Professional Skill
- ENVS 224: Climate and Climate Change
- ENVS 273: Energy and the Environment
- ENVS 390: Integrative Seminar
The St. Ignatius Loyola Award for Excellence in Teaching, Loyola University Chicago (2024)
The Provost’s Award for Excellence in Teaching Freshmen, Loyola University Chicago (2013)
Research Excellence Award from the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Georgia Institute of Technology (2003)
Selected Publications
Jing, P., Goldberg, D., 2022. Influence of Conducive Weather on Ozone in the Presence of Reduced NOx Emissions: A Case Study in Chicago during the 2020 Lockdowns. Atmospheric Pollution Research, 13, 101313.
Jing, P., Banerjee, S., *Barrera, M., 2020. Impact of Rossby wave breaking on ozone variation in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere, 1985–2015. Atmospheric Environment, 222, 117112.
Jing, P., Banerjee, S., 2018. Rossby wave breaking and isentropic stratosphere-troposphere exchange during 1981–2015 in the Northern Hemisphere. Journal of Geophysical Research, 123, 9011–9025.
Jing, P., Lu, Z., Steiner, A.L., 2017. The ozone climate penalty in the Midwestern U.S. Atmospheric Environment, 170, 130–142.
For a complete list of publications, awards, grants, and affiliations, please see her CV.