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Academic Program Review

Academic Program Review

THE ACADEMIC PROGRAM REVIEW (APR) is an iterative process grounded in Ignatian principles that include self-examination and reflection to support organizational learning that leads to improvements in pedagogy and strategic planning. The APR is an important part of an ongoing campus-wide conversation on teaching and learning and about how our current and future students can be transformed through their Loyola experiences. The APR process is aligned with our Jesuit Mission through reflection and action as described by the Ignatian Pedagogical Paradigm.

The APR process includes regular phases of self-study, in which academic units use data to understand student learning and supports, resources, strategic issues, and program sustainability to develop measurable actions for improvement. The self-study phase culminates in an action plan that units implement and monitor until the start of a new self-study phase. The Academic Program Review Team, housed in the Office of Academic Programs and Planning (APP), supports academic units through the APR process. Academic units undergoing the self-study phase of the APR process, form a cohort which serves as a professional learning community. Cohorts participate in working sessions facilitated by the Academic Program Review Team to learn about and carry out their self-study. Additionally, each unit is assigned a faculty fellow who supports and guides the team though the self-study.

Year 1: November - Year 2: February


Recruit an APR Steering Committee to get ready for APR activities.

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Year 2: February

Letter of Understanding

An outline of themes and questions you will address in your self-study.

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Year 2: February - December


A data-driven reflection based on the questions/themes articulated in your LOU.

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Year 2: October - Year 3: February

External Review and Report

Invite peer experts to read your self-study and visit campus.

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Year 3: March


Process, reflect and communicate findings with unit, Dean and Provost.

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Year 3: March-April

Action planning

Prioritize and plan follow-up actions for the next 5-7 years.

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Year 4: May*

Action Plan Monitoring

Provide an annual update on progress on action plan benchmarks.

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*Annually thereafter until next APR Self-Study begins

*Annually thereafter until next APR Self-Study begins