Loyola University Chicago

Department of English

Graduate Faculty

Aqdas Aftab
Elisabeth Bayley
Suzanne Bost
Melissa Bradshaw
David E. Chinitz
Ian Cornelius
Jasper (Jack) Cragwall
Jeffrey Glover
Harrison Graves
Priyanka Jacob
John (Jack) Kerkering
Katarzyna Lecky
James A. Knapp
Harveen Mann
Anushka Sen
Frederick Staidum Jr.
Jayme Stayer
Virginia Lee Strain
Madeleine Reddon
Marta L. Werner



Aqdas Aftab

Assistant Professor

  • Office Location: Crown Center 427
  • Phone Number: 82246
  • E-mail: aaftab@luc.edu
  • Specialty Areas: Postcolonial Literatures, African Disaporic Literatures, Gender and Sexuality Studies, Queer and Trans Studies

Advanced Lecturer

  • Office Location:
  • Phone Number:
  • Email: ebayley@luc.edu
  • Specialty Areas: 20th and 21st Century American Literature

 Suzanne Bost

Professor, Graduate Programs Director, Affiliate in Women's Studies and Gender Studies

  • Office Location: Crown Center 423
  • Phone Number: 88470
  • E-mail: sbost@luc.edu
  • Specialty Areas: Nineteenth-Century American Literature, Latinx Studies, Posthumanism, Feminist and Gender Studies.
  • Recent Graduate Courses: ENGL 400: Intro to Graduate Study; ENGL 490: Topics in American Literature; and ENGL 426: Feminist Theory and Criticism.

Melissa Bradshaw

Senior Lecturer, Writing Across the Curriculum Coordinator

  • Office Location: Loyola Hall 202
  • Phone Number: 82796
  • E-mail: mbradshaw@luc.edu
  • Specialty Areas: Pedagogies and Methodologies, Collective Cultural Memories, Composition and Rhetoric, Feminist and Queer Theory, and Women's Studies and Gender Studies.
  • Recent Graduate Course: ENGL 402: Teaching College Composition (taught annually during the spring semester).

David E. Chinitz

Professor, Chair of the English Department

  • Office Location: Crown Center 415
  • Phone Number: 82789
  • E-mail: dchinit@luc.edu
  • Specialty Areas: Modernist Poetry, Literature and Culture of the Jazz Age, Modern and Contemporary Literature, Harlem Renaissance, Popular Culture, and T.S. Eliot.
  • Recent Graduate Courses: ENGL 484: Literature of the Jazz Age; and ENGL 481: Modern Poetry.

Ian Cornelius

Associate Professor, Edward L. Surtz, S.J. Professor

  • Office Location: Crown Center 411
  • Phone Number: 82784
  • E-mail: icornelius@luc.edu 
  • Specialty Areas: Medieval English Poetry and Alliterative Verse, Textual Studies and Editing, Medieval Literary Education, Piers Plowman, and Boethius' Consolation of Philosophy.
  • Recent Graduate Course: ENGL 441: Old English Language and Literature.

Jasper (Jack) Cragwall

Associate Professor, Undergraduate Program Director

  • Office Location: Crown Center 449
  • Phone Number: 82259
  • E-mail: jcragwall@luc.edu
  • Specialty Areas: British Romanticism, Religious History, Secularization, and Poetic Form.
  • Recent Graduate Courses: ENGL 470: Topics in Romanticism - The Beast, the Whore, and the Year 1798; and ENGL 470: Natural Religion - Romanticism and the Markings of Belief.

Jeffrey Glover

Associate Professor

  • Office Location: Crown Center 453
  • Phone Number: 82783
  • E-mail: jglover@luc.edu
  • Specialty Areas: Early American Literature
  • Recent Graduate Course: ENGL 491: Early American Literature - Pursuing Freedom in the Early Atlantic World; and ENGL 491: New World Narratives.

Priyanka Jacob

Assistant Professor

  • Office Location: Crown Center 409
  • Phone Number: 87447
  • Specialty Areas: Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century British Novels, Material Culture, Novel Theory, Thing Theory, and Media and Information Studies.
  • Recent Graduate Course: ENGL 478: The Paper Trails of Victorian Literature.

John (Jack) Kerkering


  • Office Location: Crown Center 461
  • Phone: 83801
  • Specialty Areas: Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century American Literature and Culture, Poetry and Poetics, and National and Racial Identity.
  • Recent Graduate Courses: ENGL 400: Intro to Graduate Study; ENGL 420: Signs and Selves - Relational Accounts of Identity; and ENGL 490: Regionalism, Racial Identity, and Conspicuous Consumption.

James A. Knapp

Professor, Graduate Program Director

  • Office Location: Crown Center 479
  • Phone Number: 82255
  • Specialty Areas: Sixteenth- and Seventeenth-Century British Literature, Shakespeare, History of the Book, Literature and Visual Culture, and Literary and Aesthetic Theory.
  • Recent Graduate Courses: ENGL 455: Shakespeare; and ENGL 450: Natural Philosophy and Early Modern Poetics. 
  • 400: Intro to Graduate Study; ENGL 420: Signs and Selves - Relational Accounts of Identity; and ENGL 490: Regionalism, Racial Identity, and Conspicuous Consumption.

Katarzyna Lecky

Surtz Associate Professor

  • Office Location: Crown Center 407
  • Phone Number: 82683
  • Specialty Areas: Early Modern English Literary History; History of Science, Technology, and Medicine; Material Cultures of Print; Literatures of Exclusion and Marginalization; Archival Research

Harveen Mann

Associate Professor

  • Office Location: Crown Center 405
  • Phone Number: 82244
  • E-mail: hmann@luc.edu
  • Specialty Areas: Postcolonial Studies, South Asian Studies, Third World Feminism.


Anushka Sen

Assistant Professor

  • Office Location: Crown Center 425
  • Phone Number: 82788
  • E-mail: asen2@luc.edu
  • Specialty Areas: Modernism, Twentieth-century global anglophone literature, Critical Theory, Animal and Environmental Studies


Frederick Staidum Jr.

Assistant Professor

  • Office Location: Crown Center 451
  • Phone Number: 82272
  • E-mail: fstaidum@luc.edu
  • Specialty Areas: African American and African Diasporic Literatures and Cultures, Gender and Queer Studies, Digital Humanities, and Critical Theory.
  • Recent Graduate Course: ENGL 496: Black Queer Methods and the Literatures of Slavery. 


Jayme Stayer

Associate Professor

  • Office LocationCrown Center 419
  • Phone Number: 82251
  • E-mail: jatsyer@luc.edu
  • Specialty Areas: Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Music and Opera, British and American Modernism, History of Criticism and Theory, Rhetoric, Religious Poetry, T. S. Eliot.
  • Recent Graduate Course: ENGL 488: 20th Century Literature

Virginia Lee Strain

Associate Professor

  • Office Location: Flanner Hall 149
  • Phone Number: 82782
  • E-mail: vstrain@luc.edu
  • Specialty Areas: Early Modern Literature and Legal Culture, and Law and Literature.
  • Recent Graduate Course: ENGL 437: Comedy + Time - Theories of Comedy and Philosophies of History.


Madeleine Reddon

Assistant Professor

  • Office Location: Crown Center 445
  • Phone Number: 82254
  • E-mail: mreddon.edu
  • Specialty Areas: Early Modern Literature and Legal Culture, and Law and Literature.
  • Recent Graduate Course: ENGL 480: Indigenous Modernism

Marta L. Werner

Professor, Martin J. Svaglic Chair in Textual Studies

  • Office Location: Crown Center 429
  • Phone Number: 82328
  • E-mail: Mwerner7@luc.edu
  • Specialty Areas: American Literature Culture, Nineteenth-Century Studies, Textual Studies and Digital Humanities, Poetry and Poetics.
  • Recent Graduate Courses: ENGL 413: Textual Criticism