
Past Exhibitions

The Papercut Haggadah by Archie Granot

February 11 – May 9, 2010

The Haggadah tells the story of Passover, a holiday that commemorates the Israelites’ escape from Egypt and it is used during the special commemorative meal, the Seder. Artists have also celebrated Passover, through illustrated manuscripts and drawings. Modern papercut artist Archie Granot continues a five-hundred year tradition with a fifty-five-page Haggadah. Using geometric and abstract shapes instead of figural Jewish symbols, Granot created a work that evokes the intense emotions attached to Seder. Each word of his text is cut by hand, and every page stands as both an independent work of art and a single piece of a beautiful, thematically unified whole.

Image: Archie Granot, Nirtzah. Collection of Max Thurm.


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