

2012 Stories & News

Capturing Summer Stories

28 articles, 32 videos, 47 photos, 53 points on a Google map , and one complete website. All in five days. This would seem a difficult feat for any team of journalists, but the storytellers behind this project make these statistics even more impressive


Digital Media and Storytelling

Do you have a story? More importantly, can you tell it? And, can you tell it digitally? SOC's MC program's first cohort has around 17 students that come from a wide range of professional and educational backgrounds.

Loyola’s Second Annual Symposium on Digital Ethics

“The way I see it, we are tempted by technology that offers the allusion of companionship without the demands of friendship,” Sherry Turkle said via Skype, unable to attend because of Hurricane Sandy. “We’re asking more from technology than we are from each other. That’s not a comfortable human position; it’s not a comfortable ethical position.”

Radio: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

“Even if you don’t go into radio it really prepares you to go into the real world,” John Kosiba said. “To this day, I can speak to any person about any topic and that was because of the professors and the Communication department as well as the radio station.”


Finding Careers in Advocacy and Social Change

“I’m empowering youth to tell their own stories. It’s an inspiring way to see the perspective of youth through media,” Alex Miller, development and communications coordinator for Free Spirit Media, said. “I’ve taken the skills I’ve learned at Loyola and invested them back into the communities that invested in me.”


Writing on the Wall, Literally

“I understood what it was and like I said to Chaka, get some good calligraphy. I was looking for the art,” Prigoff said. “I was looking to give these people some dignity because they had talent I knew that they would grow and mature and I saw what they can do.”

Learning about Careers in Health Communication

“Health communication has been the fastest-growing area of specialization in public relations for at least 15 years,” Assistant Professor Marjorie Kruvand said. “There are excellent opportunities to do different types of health communication."

LUC's Nationally Ranked Debate Team Scores Big at Purdue

There were 44 competitors eligible for speaking honors in the varsity division at the Boilermaker Express debate tournament. Grace Labriola took first place award, and Meghan Maloy was awarded 10th place.


Viewing the Political Landscape from Behind the Scenes

Tom Bevan,co-founder of political website, RealClearPolitics, encouraged students to “be optimistic” when moving ahead with their careers, citing his own story as an example how a risk can turn a dream into reality.

SOC Faculty Present at AEJMC

“In the digital realm, almost everything is measurable. But are we taking best advantage of all this new information?” David Kamerer said. His presentation focused on encouraging educators to embrace teaching with web analytics.