Tutoring Center
Welcome to the Tutoring Center!
Connecting what to learn with how to learn through peer tutoring, supplemental instruction, and success coaching for the Rambler community!
Drop-in Session Schedules
What is Success Coaching?
Success Coaches are highly trained graduate students who can help you identify opportunities to take your academic success to the next level. In a free, personalized Success Coach meeting, you will meet one-on-one to talk about your experiences inside and out of the classroom, identify areas for growth, and create a customized, realistic plan for success.
Set Yourself Up for Success at Loyola
Power up your success at Loyola! Download helpful worksheets for organization, time management, and self-care - all wrapped up in an easy-to-use package, and created by our Success Coaches.
Schedule an Appointment with Navigate
Want to schedule a Success Coaching appointment? Click the link below.
Related Links
Our Events
4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
AEP Career Bootcamp Event
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Crafting your luck: Lunar New Year
4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Hope Chicago Spread the Love Event
View Full Calendar
Want to schedule a Success Coach or Peer Tutoring appointment? Click the link below.