For Mentors and Researchers

On this page, you will find 1) a list of general learning objectives for undergraduate researchers, 2) a list of effective practices for undergraduate researchers, and 3) a list of effective practices for research mentors. You can also find 4) a template for a research learning agreement and 4) a template for a research progress report. Click on the title of each section to download a PDF version of the text.
Mentors, please note that you can find articles on mentorship and other resources for mentors by clicking "resources for mentors" on the left.
Finally, please note the link at the bottom of the page to an interactive feature on avoiding academic misconduct that may be of interest to students and mentors.
Learning Objectives for Undergraduate Researchers
Effective Practices for Undergraduate Researchers
Effective Practices for Research Mentors
Mentored Research Learning Agreement
Mentored Research Progress Report
The Lab: Avoiding Academic Misconduct
The Office of Research Integrity has produced this interactive feature for students and faculty to explore ways to navigate ethical decision-making in a research experience. You can choose-your-own-adventure as a faculty member, research integrity officer, post-doc, or grad student. Though there is no undergraduate character, the story of the graduate student may closely match the situation of some undergraduates. This feature is geared toward the sciences, but informative (and entertaining) for all.
On this page, you will find 1) a list of general learning objectives for undergraduate researchers, 2) a list of effective practices for undergraduate researchers, and 3) a list of effective practices for research mentors. You can also find 4) a template for a research learning agreement and 4) a template for a research progress report. Click on the title of each section to download a PDF version of the text.
Mentors, please note that you can find articles on mentorship and other resources for mentors by clicking "resources for mentors" on the left.
Finally, please note the link at the bottom of the page to an interactive feature on avoiding academic misconduct that may be of interest to students and mentors.
Learning Objectives for Undergraduate Researchers
Effective Practices for Undergraduate Researchers
Effective Practices for Research Mentors
Mentored Research Learning Agreement
Mentored Research Progress Report
The Lab: Avoiding Academic Misconduct
The Office of Research Integrity has produced this interactive feature for students and faculty to explore ways to navigate ethical decision-making in a research experience. You can choose-your-own-adventure as a faculty member, research integrity officer, post-doc, or grad student. Though there is no undergraduate character, the story of the graduate student may closely match the situation of some undergraduates. This feature is geared toward the sciences, but informative (and entertaining) for all.