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Tuition & Financial Aid

Concerned about being able to afford advanced education? You're not alone.

Law school is a major investment in your future. Knowing where to look for help can make it less daunting.

At Loyola University Chicago School of Law, we know it's easy to be overwhelmed by financial aid and its process. We've identified the types of aid potentially available in funding your education. There are also specific deadlines and requirements. We've outlined those as well.

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Concerned about being able to afford advanced education? You're not alone.

Law school is a major investment in your future. Knowing where to look for help can make it less daunting.

At Loyola University Chicago School of Law, we know it's easy to be overwhelmed by financial aid and its process. We've identified the types of aid potentially available in funding your education. There are also specific deadlines and requirements. We've outlined those as well.