Law School Computing Services
Student lab advisors
The Lab Advisors will be available in the Law School Computer Center to assist students with the basics of using the Law School systems, such as connecting to the wireless network or printers and to troubleshoot problems with lab computers and printers. If you need assistance they will be glad to help you.
LSCS location
The Law School Computing Services (LSCS) offices are located in room 403 inside the Law Library. The two Law School Computers Centers are located on the 4th floor inside the Law Library. The Law School Computer Center is available for students to use on the same schedule as the Law Library hours.
Contact LSCS
By email at and by phone from a campus phone at ext. 5-7192. Students are always welcome to come to the LSCS office for assistance and will be helped if a staff member is available. Of course appointments can always be scheduled by contacting the LSCS office.
Lexis contact information
Law students have access to Lexis through the Law Library’s subscription. To find hours and locations of the Lexis student representatives, law students can sign in to Once a student clicks on the Lexis home page, they can click the picture of the rep and his or her hours and location will be displayed.
Westlaw contact information
Law students have access to Westlaw through the Law Library’s subscription. To find hours and locations of the Bloomberg Law student representatives, law students can sign in to
Bloomberg contact information
Law students have access to Bloomberg Law through the Law Library’s subscription. To find hours and locations of the Bloomberg Law student representatives, law students can sign in to
Change your password
Password Self-Service – You can use the Password Self-Service to reset your own password. See First Time Password Setup for an explanation of how to setup and use the Password Self-Service.
Student lab advisors
The Lab Advisors will be available in the Law School Computer Center to assist students with the basics of using the Law School systems, such as connecting to the wireless network or printers and to troubleshoot problems with lab computers and printers. If you need assistance they will be glad to help you.
LSCS location
The Law School Computing Services (LSCS) offices are located in room 403 inside the Law Library. The two Law School Computers Centers are located on the 4th floor inside the Law Library. The Law School Computer Center is available for students to use on the same schedule as the Law Library hours.
Contact LSCS
By email at and by phone from a campus phone at ext. 5-7192. Students are always welcome to come to the LSCS office for assistance and will be helped if a staff member is available. Of course appointments can always be scheduled by contacting the LSCS office.
Lexis contact information
Law students have access to Lexis through the Law Library’s subscription. To find hours and locations of the Lexis student representatives, law students can sign in to Once a student clicks on the Lexis home page, they can click the picture of the rep and his or her hours and location will be displayed.
Westlaw contact information
Law students have access to Westlaw through the Law Library’s subscription. To find hours and locations of the Bloomberg Law student representatives, law students can sign in to
Bloomberg contact information
Law students have access to Bloomberg Law through the Law Library’s subscription. To find hours and locations of the Bloomberg Law student representatives, law students can sign in to
Change your password
Password Self-Service – You can use the Password Self-Service to reset your own password. See First Time Password Setup for an explanation of how to setup and use the Password Self-Service.