
New chairs appointed

The School of Law is pleased to announce the appointment of three new chairs.

Jordan Paradise and Nadia Sawicki are Beazley Co-chairs for Health Law. Paradise and Sawicki, both Georgia Reithal Professors of Law, have served as co-directors of the Beazley Institute for Health Law and Policy since 2020 and are uniquely qualified to serve as Beazley Co-Chairs in Health Law.

“The appointment as the Beazley co-chair is an honor,” says Professor Paradise, “and a recognition of the strong partnership with Professor Sawicki in the health law and policy field.”

Says Professor Sawicki: “This distinction is a credit not only to me and my co-chair, Jordan Paradise, but to all our current and past colleagues at the Beazley Institute. It’s an honor to be able to contribute my expertise in health law and bioethics to strengthen the Beazley Institute’s reputation as a leader in health policy and justice.”

Barry Sullivan, George Anastaplo Professor of Constitutional Law and History, is now the Raymond and Mary Simon Chair in Constitutional Law. Professor Sullivan was appointed in 2009 as the inaugural holder of the Cooney & Conway Chair in Advocacy.

“I am immensely pleased to have been named as the holder of the Raymond and Mary Simon Chair in Constitutional Law, which is named in honor of two extraordinary human beings who contributed so much to our city and to the public good more generally,” Sullivan says. 

For generously funding these endowed chairs, the School of Law owes a debt of gratitude to Bernard Beazley (JD ’50) and family, and to Raymond F. Simon (BA ’53, JD ’56) and Mary Simon (BS ’53) and The Helen Brach Foundation. (July 2024)