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Real Estate and Construction Law Society (RECLS)

The primary mission of the Real Estate and Construction Law Society (RECLS) is to foster connections among law students who share a keen interest in real estate and construction law. Our purpose is to empower these students with the necessary tools to explore their passions within this legal field. By providing a range of educational resources, networking opportunities, and avenues for professional development, we aim to equip our members with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in real estate and construction law.

RECLS is dedicated to facilitating meaningful interactions between law students and professionals deeply engaged in the real estate and construction industry. Through curated events and programs, we create a bridge that enables students to connect with seasoned experts, gain insights, and forge valuable relationships.

Moreover, RECLS is committed to raising awareness within the larger Loyola community about pertinent developments and news that have a significant impact on the landscape of real estate and construction law. By sharing insights, facilitating discussions, and staying attuned to current events, we contribute to a more informed and engaged legal community at Loyola University of Chicago School of Law.

Our 2023 – 2024 executive committee:
Co-Presidents & Co-Founders: Stella Oruruo and Clara Rhodehamel
Vice President: Stanley Ihejirika
VP of Finance: Neal Ficalora
VP of Communications: Kasey Baller
VP of Public Relations: Natalie Jimenez

Faculty Advisor: Sarah Waldeck

For more information about RECLS or to connect with us, please contact reclsloyolalaw@luc.edu.   

The primary mission of the Real Estate and Construction Law Society (RECLS) is to foster connections among law students who share a keen interest in real estate and construction law. Our purpose is to empower these students with the necessary tools to explore their passions within this legal field. By providing a range of educational resources, networking opportunities, and avenues for professional development, we aim to equip our members with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in real estate and construction law.

RECLS is dedicated to facilitating meaningful interactions between law students and professionals deeply engaged in the real estate and construction industry. Through curated events and programs, we create a bridge that enables students to connect with seasoned experts, gain insights, and forge valuable relationships.

Moreover, RECLS is committed to raising awareness within the larger Loyola community about pertinent developments and news that have a significant impact on the landscape of real estate and construction law. By sharing insights, facilitating discussions, and staying attuned to current events, we contribute to a more informed and engaged legal community at Loyola University of Chicago School of Law.

Our 2023 – 2024 executive committee:
Co-Presidents & Co-Founders: Stella Oruruo and Clara Rhodehamel
Vice President: Stanley Ihejirika
VP of Finance: Neal Ficalora
VP of Communications: Kasey Baller
VP of Public Relations: Natalie Jimenez

Faculty Advisor: Sarah Waldeck

For more information about RECLS or to connect with us, please contact reclsloyolalaw@luc.edu.